Cap ( gives stern warnings and has the right to smack you the f up if ya don't listen)
Angel-Lycan ( yeah I'll probably be tired or hung over)
Creasy Bear-Lycan ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Takeuon ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Joker ( holy Crap Joker's actually coming?)
Greenbean (trying to catch everyone after they leave)
Semi ( hungover in the rear)
Acehole ( hungover too wondering why Semi looks funny)
Meathead ( MEATHEAD)
Fastfrog ( little meathead?)
Mc Mustang (on whatever he wants in the arsenal)
Giger102867 ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Road Rash Manny ( did the boy get some leather finally?)
Lavinrac- (Of course there's always room for you Joseph!)
rtgt ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
dk55belair ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
telesmith1465 ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Busagirl444 ( representing the Great white North)
Mr. Busagirl4444 ( representing the Mrs. )
Platypusfetch-(Matt) ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
NCBusa2001 ( Chris just wants to shoot stuff so don't piz him off)
SilentShogun ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Jet Li (and his awesome)
Skydiver (He can't jump off the Busa thank god)
TwoBrothersBusa ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Phill442 ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
502SCS ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Sweet Tea man
Angel-Lycan ( yeah I'll probably be tired or hung over)
Creasy Bear-Lycan ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Takeuon ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Joker ( holy Crap Joker's actually coming?)
Greenbean (trying to catch everyone after they leave)
Semi ( hungover in the rear)
Acehole ( hungover too wondering why Semi looks funny)
Meathead ( MEATHEAD)
Fastfrog ( little meathead?)
Mc Mustang (on whatever he wants in the arsenal)
Giger102867 ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Road Rash Manny ( did the boy get some leather finally?)
Lavinrac- (Of course there's always room for you Joseph!)
rtgt ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
dk55belair ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
telesmith1465 ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Busagirl444 ( representing the Great white North)
Mr. Busagirl4444 ( representing the Mrs. )
Platypusfetch-(Matt) ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
NCBusa2001 ( Chris just wants to shoot stuff so don't piz him off)
SilentShogun ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Jet Li (and his awesome)
Skydiver (He can't jump off the Busa thank god)
TwoBrothersBusa ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Phill442 ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
502SCS ( NOOB-Feel free to harrass and place kick me targets on his back)
Sweet Tea man