Battery Question (big bore)


Hey guys, So my bike is a Gen 1 , 1441cc Iam currently running a 24volt system , and curious if you all think If I go up to a 400 ca Lithium battery or larger would make it so I would not need the two, suppose just add up the cranking amps for the two batteries I have and if that number is the same or higher with new one iam golden if thats how it works? Iam not a battery expert? or even would a lithium have enough amp hours that I would not have to charge it after each day of riding? I know there is still some built motor guys on here that might have had same issue.. thanks
Layman’s terms/Barney style, 24v spins it over faster, more ca supports more load / drains the battery slower. U can use a small 120ca battery for a second battery to get 24v to the starter

So yea keep the 24v
I see, so adding the higher ca main battery wont hurt but still keep running the second battery, Got yas, would be nice if tiger still made the system that would charge the other batt
I have a Gen 2 Hayabusa 1441 with Yoshimura cams, 13.5 to 1 compression Wossner Pistons, stock base gasket, and .030 head gasket. My bike starts just fine hot or cold with the stock 12v battery that came with the bike. It starts a little slow if it's been sitting for a couple weeks though.

If you're running more compression or something different than your results may vary.
I see, so adding the higher ca main battery wont hurt but still keep running the second battery, Got yas, would be nice if tiger still made the system that would charge the other batt
I am pretty sure If you google the starting system on a big rig truck, they use that setup with relays to make them parallel on running and starter series when starting like the Tiger system
Maybe @GIXERHP would chime in He would know EXACTLY what and how it's done
Do you have it wired to charge the second battery while running?
Figured this was as good a place as any to drop this.
LiPo are generally R/C car batteries.

Antigravity Batteries brand for motorcycles are lithium-ion and approved/safe by Moto America.

I’d suspect the same for Full Spectrum brand but they don’t explicitly state from my quick search.