Been here a while, Guess I need to give an Intro.


My name is Brandon. I have been a member for a little while now. This is my '07 Busa. It is my fourth bike, but second Busa. I Love it. It has HID's on high and low beam, Acro's, 6" extentions, Airbox mod, marble mod, lowered front and rear, and one of those pu$$y magnets installed. Hope Ya'll Like it.


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Welcome nice busa, you definetly need to check out the Busa bash being that close. :beerchug:
what's the fall bash?

we go to the dragon. :woot: hang out, eat, camp fire, eat, pick on admins., eat, ride, work on some bikes to help out, eat, ride some more, hang out some more, tell jokes, eat, have a blast:thumbsup: The end of this month:cheerleader:
Welcome Brandon!

This is a crazy place, so don't forget to take your meds (you'll need 'em).

:welcome: to your new addiction/family, nice scoot and plan on attending the bash
:hello:Welcome to the Org. Very nice bike you have there. But then, I'm kinda partial to Blue 2007 models.
Always great to see how they look done differently.:thumbsup:
Welcome Brandon!

This is a crazy place, so don't forget to take your meds (you'll need 'em).


Now that's funny! Meds is right. :thumbsup:

And great bike Brandon, starting to really love the blue 07! That thing positively glows!

:welcome: to the oRg. Parents live in Statesville. You need to hook up with the NC gang for rides.