I fly mostly helis but also like flying old war birds.
Nice. I like helis. I have a small indoor but mainly fly my foamie 3D. Though I still have my parkzone T28 trainer
I fly mostly helis but also like flying old war birds.
Nice. I like helis. I have a small indoor but mainly fly my foamie 3D. Though I still have my parkzone T28 trainer
Nice ride Eddie, I was thinking 2100 miles a 1/4 mile at the time, but when you said it had new tires
The bike is definitely set up for drag racing. Lots of nice extras. Enjoy and be safe out there. These bikes are designed and built well, built to handle what was thrown at er.
I have the most fun with park fliers. Inexpensive, super low maintenance and small enough to transport easily. Can't beat them!