Really got busa really. Again teasley busa had race fuel among other things. Lee already squashed this. If lee had race fuel in his and picked up 10+hp he would be in the 8.3's . But lets not keep going back and forth. Again all I stated was out of the box the 14r was a better bike. Which 99% of everyone else on this site agrees already expect you. So again take care got busa and relax your going to give yourself a heart attack. It you really think the new 14r isnt a better all around bike with more power out of the box than fine. Agree to disagree. And on that lsr its basically was a stock bike expect for -1tooth and ecu flashed. But I give 2 ****s anymore im worn out from all your b.s. This is my last response I done arguing about stupid ****. Take care and ride safe fellas. Again the record setting lsr event happened in Australia look it up. Or don't.