Best Daddy's Day Ever! ! ! ! !

Happy Father's Day to you!
Fantastic news that your a pop and also that he is doing well with the early suprise.. PICS PICS PICS
He's doing great as of now, breathing on his own with no O2 added and starting to suck a little bit so as soon as he starts to gain weight , suck and swallow we'll be able to bring him home. Andee is going to be released today but we're going to move into Ayden's NICU room untill he's ready to come home

Beautiful baby boy you have there!

Breathing on his own is a HUGE hurdle for preemies...good for him...he's a fighter!

That is an awesome Father's Day!!! I'm so happy to hear he's doing well and I can't wait to hear that he's at home and everyone's settled in...

Congrats to you and the Mrs.!!!