Best Sounding Pipes For Hayabusa

Tell you what, asking what pipe sound the best is like asking what oil or tire is the best. Opinions vary. The best thing you can do is attend a meet/greet. See all the different pipes and hear them run. Only then will you be able to know for sure what you think is the best sound. Personally, I have an M4, but prefer the sound of the HMF's. Until I heard other bikes like mine with different pipes could I make a determination as to what I like. I think the same could be said in your case. Good luck in your search, and the bottom line, get what you like.
Tell you what, asking what pipe sound the best is like asking what oil or tire is the best. Opinions vary. The best thing you can do is attend a meet/greet. See all the different pipes and hear them run. Only then will you be able to know for sure what you think is the best sound. Personally, I have an M4, but prefer the sound of the HMF's. Until I heard other bikes like mine with different pipes could I make a determination as to what I like. I think the same could be said in your case. Good luck in your search, and the bottom line, get what you like.

gots to agree with that
Tell you what, asking what pipe sound the best is like asking what oil or tire is the best. Opinions vary. The best thing you can do is attend a meet/greet. See all the different pipes and hear them run. Only then will you be able to know for sure what you think is the best sound. Personally, I have an M4, but prefer the sound of the HMF's. Until I heard other bikes like mine with different pipes could I make a determination as to what I like. I think the same could be said in your case. Good luck in your search, and the bottom line, get what you like.

got to agree also, because a youtube video does not do justice have to hear a pipe in person to really get a just of the sound.
hmf high mount dual... low and mean till about 6k then screams like a banshie!!
HMF full system w/ carbon fiber can - no music on these two, just the sweet sweet sound. :cheerleader:



Out of the two that you mentioned I do not know 1st hand, however, I did tons of research before buying mine I wanted that deep deep throaty sound the best sound I could find as far as idle sound and full RPM range sound was the full muzzy 4-1 exhaust. If you are wanting to keep the duals the closest you can get would be the Yoshimura RS-3 slip-ons. This is just what I have heard in person. I did tons and tons of video searches and really none of them give the pipe justice its something you have to hear in person to get the full effect. After awhile they all sound the same online. Good luck to you.

MY OPINION GET THE FULL MUZZY :cheerleader::thumbsup:
Tell you what, asking what pipe sound the best is like asking what oil or tire is the best. Opinions vary. The best thing you can do is attend a meet/greet. See all the different pipes and hear them run. Only then will you be able to know for sure what you think is the best sound. Personally, I have an M4, but prefer the sound of the HMF's. Until I heard other bikes like mine with different pipes could I make a determination as to what I like. I think the same could be said in your case. Good luck in your search, and the bottom line, get what you like.

Have to agree with TwoTonVert! In my opinion I love the yoshi for being the quieter of the lot, then Akrapovic for right in the middle for noise, and then the M4/D&D/Brocks for being the loudest... to each there own! Go to a local bike hangout... or the bash where busas are and then make a decision!
Re: Exhaust Pipes For Hayabusa

Hello again everyone. I would like to get some opinions regarding an exhaust system for my 2005 Hayabusa. I have narrowed it down to the Yoshimura TRS and the R-22 exhaust. I haven't heard either on the Busa but I am looking for a deep throaty sound. Can anyone shed some light on which of these pipes would sound the best?

Thanks again in advance.

You looking for a full system if so ck out ARATA THE BEST YOU CAN BUY:thumbsup::thumbsup:
I know everyones opinion and terminology differ and therefore hardly no ones ideas or terms with pitch or sound will agree... BUT

in my opinion..

Yoshis don't sound good on much of anything (to me!) they sound like they are adding about 4k rpms to whatever you are already cranking out so it would make logistic sense to put yoshis on a bike that doesn't rev as high as the 600 class.. the few times I thought yoshis sounded ballin' they were on an R6.

For the "deep and throaty" sound you say you want... Two Brothers Racing always seem to be the most consistant in this category.... they don't sound all that great on the smaller higher revving bikes but this is for a BUSA!! Akrapovic's sound a little more refined than the Two Bros (ie less harley bluhbluh in the idle and more straight sound)

here are a couple links that may help.

- YouTube[/url]
for Despoine - My Hayabusa : She gets the Two Brothers Carbon Fibre Exhaust - YouTube[/url]
R-77 Slip-On Suzuki Hayabusa GSX1300-R New Model - YouTube[/url]

good luck and whatever you buy be sure YOU like it
I liked my RS3 4 into 1 yosh.Had a nice sound when cruising and when open had a nice growl.Wasnt loud enough so I went with Brocks.Screw the neighors.Wait I have none that close.:laugh:
Re: Exhaust Pipes For Hayabusa

Hello again everyone. I would like to get some opinions regarding an exhaust system for my 2005 Hayabusa. I have narrowed it down to the Yoshimura TRS and the R-22 exhaust. I haven't heard either on the Busa but I am looking for a deep throaty sound. Can anyone shed some light on which of these pipes would sound the best?

Thanks again in advance.
I'm running an R-22 full system on my 04 busa, it put out great power for a yoshi system, but its pretty quiet as sound goes. I put the quiet insert back in and its almost stock quiet until you get into it, then it still makes some noise. Personally I prefer a quiet exhaust tho, which is why I went with the yosh, plus the R-22 looks amazing on my 04LE with some other chrome bits. If you want an exhaust with a bark I'd stay away from yoshi's alltogether tho.
Heck, I didn't realize somebody got the shovel out and hit the cemetery for this thread :laugh:
You grave diggers are a sick bunch :rofl:
I need to read post dates more often I guess :dunno: