Best TIPS AND TRICKS...  NOT neccessarily bike...


Re-Recycled, Busa-Less...
Donating Member
OK. Lets get a thread of just good tips, good tricks for life, clever products and good stuff... Ya know?

A repository of home remedies, and ideas... Cool? So make sure it's clever and useful, and have at it.

Here's a couple of mine.

-First,<span style='color:orangered'>Gold Bond Powder</span>. I'm telling ya fellas, powder your package after a shower before ya get dressed and you'll have happy nads all day. Also good on feet, etc... Cooling sensation is nice.

-OK,<span style='color:orangered'>JUNK MAIL</span>... Alright, instead of getting irritated, lets get even and keep the Post office Busy while costing the Spam mailers lots of money. HOW?

<span style='color:orangered'>MAIL THEIR OWN CRAP BACK TO THEM!!!!</span>

Simple, take all the crap that they just sent you, remove your name from it and send it PLUS a bunch of other crap (You Decide) and pack it into those "No Postage Neccessary" envelopes. The companies are charged by weight for those. SO, if we can send fuggin Citibank 1,000 of their "No Postage Needed" letters filled with junk of our own it's going to start adding up... 1000X.25 is $250!!! If we really start sending them their own crap back plus dirty napkins or tea bags, stickers, Newspaper clippings whatever it's going to hurt...
Won't be long before we see a reduction. In the meantime it increases the amount of mail in circulation keeping our Mailcarriers happy and employeed. WIN WIN!!!!!!

I got more, but lets hear your good Ideas!!!

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If your drunk and need a ride home instead of paying for a taxi go to the closest pizza joint and order a pizza delivered, then just catch a ride home and enjoy your meal which is now free after amortizing in the cost of the cab ride you didn't have to pay for.
man i need a remedy for this gd poison sumak i keep catching when i mow the grass...

3rd time this year... (left eye is swelling shut as i type

Excellent post. Every day, all the CRAP from the mail gets sent back. No prepaid return envelope goes to waiste

Gold Bond ROCKS!! I wear it under my Underarmor, under my mesh. Here in FL it's a must.

Here's mine............

Buy a new CD?? Immediately burn a copy and put the original back in the case and store it. Blankc CD's and cases are CHEEEAP. Only use the copies. With my 2 kids this as saved us a fortune over the past few years.
Shop online for a lot of stuff? When you find what you want, if the store you are shopping at has a phone number you can call, call it, and ask about any in-store specials on the items you want to buy... there is no law that says an online price has to match the in-store price, and you will often find the "off-line" prices are far cheaper than the online ones... I think I've saved roughly $4500 this past year by doing this.

As far as riding goes, if you find using something like Talc, baby powder, or even the much revered (and great!) Gold Bond doesn't do right by you, check out Anti-Monkey Butt Powder. It's great stuff (I've used it for a little while now), and has treated me better than other stuff.
When the wife asks you to do anything around the house like laundry, the dishes, etc....screw it up. You'll never get asked again.

Do your walmart shopping late at night if you want to keep your sanity.
+1 on the walmart shopping... I went at 230pm, yesterday.. took an hour and a half and I was ready to mow them ALL over with my cart!!

I use a sponge mop to wash my car, in the rain. Let Mother Nature rinse it!.. Less bending, still gets clean.

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If you have pets and have cloth seats in a vehicle and let the pets ride in the vehicle use a rubber glove to pile up the hair in one spot then just pull it off. Alot easier then trying to vaccumm it off which takes forever
If you have pets and have cloth seats in a vehicle and let the pets ride in the vehicle use a rubber glove to pile up the hair in one spot then just pull it off.   Alot easier then trying to vaccumm it off which takes forever
DUDE!!! I'm sooo all over that.. Got 3 dogs and my car looks like it's got fur!! I'm trying that next time! Thanks!!
-First,<span style='color:orangered'>Gold Bond Powder</span>. I'm telling ya fellas, powder your package after a shower before ya get dressed and you'll have happy nads all day.
ah, gold bond. one slap of that and the boys feel like they're in outer space....

here's a tip: tired of junk faxes? get 50 sheets of black constuction paper and send 'em back. be sure to take the phone ID number off your fax first, then go blow out their ink....
Tie up the telemarketers...
When they call, say, "Hold on a minute", and when they say "Ok", just put the phone down and ignore it for a while, wasting Their time.

Once I said Hey! I can't talk to you right now, I'm watching TV and the Hulk's about to turn green!...He said Ok and hung up!
being a cook ive found out that margarine is just 1 ELEMENT FROM BEING CONSIDERED PLASTIC it was created to make poultry fatter if you wanna test out that theory buy some and put it in your garage or driveway uncovered for 2 days bugs will not come near it it will not smell or create mold
so the next time your havin toast and you reach for the margarine, its almost like putting plastic on your bread