big bore kits

Yes, after 30 passes he had a rod let go. We installed a 1397 top end kit that made 227hp. He wanted to keep the stock rods for the savings. We have made thousands of passes on these top end kits before with stock rods. This is the same kit Dustin hustled the country with the year before without a problem. He was just the unlucky one. Now ask me what we are doing about it, or if he is happy with the way he is being treated? Just got his rods in yesterday. He'll be back soon, faster. What do you have Cheese? We will be there in March if you want to do something? stock wheelbase, 60", 64", 68"
Yes, after 30 passes he had a rod let go.  We installed a 1397 top end kit that made 227hp.  He wanted to keep the stock rods for the savings.  We have made thousands of passes on these top end kits before with stock rods.  This is the same kit Dustin hustled the country with the year before without a problem.  He was just the unlucky one.  Now ask me what we are doing about it, or if he is happy with the way he is being treated?  Just got his rods in yesterday.  He'll be back soon, faster.  What do you have Cheese?  We will be there in March if you want to do something?   stock wheelbase, 60", 64", 68"
I don't know how Shane is doing, but he is just bummed about his bike.
I know he wants it back before March.
and to set it straight he ran 154MPH most of the time and the ONE time it ran 161 it blew up.
You are correct I have done MANY 1397 over 200 ponies that are daily drivers for over 3 years now not one problem.
and Boost at over 340HP on stock pistons and rods no problem.
I have no idea why his failed and neither does he.
I hope you found out why it did it.

As for me I am still getting ready for next year 60" but had a slight problem ....someone wanted to buy my Turbo so I am waiting and waitng and waiting..........
looks like March for me will be a stock 8:1 compression Busa in 60"
Shane's bike went 80mph when it blew up. He ran 154 off the trailer, and got quicker each pass.
I know what you are trying to get at. Shane NEVER sprayed that motor!!! My stock piston bike goes 154mph and I weigh 220lbs. We are not talking about 200+ hp 1397's. We are talking about 225+hp 1397's. I can understand your frustiration. You are a big fish in a small pond, and we are stepping on your turf. Humble yourself a little, watch, and learn. We will help anyone...
What kind of head configuration are you running to get that kind of HP out of the 1397? Am I really better off with that than a 1430? Gonna do this soon so I am trying to learn all I can.
What kind of head configuration are you running to get that kind of HP out of the 1397? Am I really better off with that than a 1430? Gonna do this soon so I am trying to learn all I can.
Every builder has a different combination. We choose the 1397 with our heads and cams, and don't have problems with head gaskets even under big nitrous loads. We sell it as a top end kit, or a drive in, drive out service. We could run the 1430 kit but DBD kits make more power than most. Why sacrafice dependability?
I went through your site and saw the BDE top end stuff. Is that the setup you use? I totaled it up without the labor and it's under 3K. Not bad. The dependability is really what I'm concerned with.
Our top end kit includes:
Jugs (exchange)
Cam with #'s
Cam gears
Bored stock head gasket
Head (exchange)
valve springs
bored throttle bodies
cam chain tensioner
windage tray
Ground UPS in the lower 48 states


We sell the BDE top end kit also. Brock makes quality components and we incorporate a few in our kit.
Shane's bike went 80mph when it blew up.  He ran  154 off the trailer, and got quicker each pass.  
   I know what you are trying to get at.  Shane NEVER sprayed that motor!!!  My stock piston bike goes 154mph and I weigh 220lbs.  We are not talking about 200+ hp 1397's.  We are talking about 225+hp 1397's.  I can understand your frustiration.  You are a big fish in a small pond, and we are stepping on your turf.  Humble yourself a little, watch, and learn.  We will help anyone...
Humble nothing. I am pointing out facts nothing else.
My motors put out the same ponies as your do for cheaper price but I am not here for that.
I am only stating facts
and 225 HP on Nutec,head work and with a sidewider is not surprising
How quick do yours do the 1/4" in?   Seen the street chaos DVD?  Dustin went 8.66 on a little 1397 at 61inches

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So really, who has the bigger bobo??
Come on guys take it easy. I had to check my web address to make sure this wasn't pyscho
I'd like to know alittle more on the 1397 kits.Do you have to run two batteries or one. Any problem over heating in traffic and what comp can you get? Anything smaller then 13:1? Do have to put in sleeves in or just bore?

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Matt, I was on your site and saw some of the packages you had to offer. I must admit, all were modest and didn't claim to do the un-thinkable.

I will say that you should rethink your claims on reliabillty and horse power. I noticed quotes like "We are currently fabricating a true stepped tuned pipe (4 into 2 into 1) Titanium sidewinder style exhaust for the Suzuki Hayabusa. It will make more power than anything else on the market. Check back for pictures in early February. $895" or "We have made thousands of passes on these top end kits before with stock rods. This is the same kit Dustin hustled the country with the year before without a problem."

It just surprises me that you are so sure that your newly advertised exhaust will blow everthing out of the water and it has not yet been tested or finished. Also, to make a claim that someone has made "thousands of passes" on your kits without a problem is stretching the truth a bit. I'm not implying any of your claims are false, although you may want to rethink some of your posts and claims on your site.

In addition, I live in NJ and have heard alot about Johnny Cheese and his work long before I was on any board. So you may want to re-word JC "being a big fish in a little pond", because I have yet to see your work in action.

I personally went with Carpenter Racing for my engine work and will gladly go back for more. Bob was very honest and never claimed to build a track bike that was undestructable. Nor did he make any false claims regarding hp figures. He made sure he knew what my needs were, and had no surprises in the end.

And BTW, before this thread gets ruined anymore, remeber it was a post about getting a few more horse power not a sausage party.
So really, who has the bigger bobo??
Come on guys take it easy. I had to check my web address to make sure this wasn't pyscho
I'd like to know alittle more on the 1397 kits.Do you have to run two batteries or one. Any problem over heating in traffic and what comp can you get? Anything smaller then 13:1? Do have to put in sleeves in or just bore?
These motors only require 1 battery, and do run on pump gas. No, there are no overheating problems. The cylinders are plated, not sleved. If you are interested call Eric tomorrow. His phone # is under contact info on our site.
We are not reinventing the wheel with our Sidewinder, just making it a little better. We have a distinct advantage in using a superior material in titanium. It is 2/5 lighter than steel at the same strength, has superior exhaust gas scavenging principals, and far more corrosion resistant.

As far as the claims on our 1397 motor, it made over a hundred pulls on Brock's Dyno and well over a thousand passes between grudge racing, and testing. That pic on the bottom right is that bike lined up against St Louis Red.

JC is the local bike builder in his area. Shane caught a bunch of crap for going to an outsider to have his built. When the bike came back he was met with doubt including JC saying there is no way that is a little 1397.

Bob Carpenter is a top notch engine builder. We use some of his components in our big bikes. You don't make it as far in this business as he has without providing good power, and even more important great customer service.

All that said, thanks for taking the time to check out my site.

JC is the local bike builder in his area.  Shane caught a bunch of crap for going to an outsider to have his built.  When the bike came back he was met with doubt including JC saying there is no way that is a little 1397.  
Matt I never said that .
I was the only one saying it WAS a 1397 around here.
Just to set the record straight I have NO beef with Matt.
He is a Good people in My book.
I want to sincerely apologize for taking the defensive posture I did. It is a character flaw of mine. I take a great deal of pride in the products we manufacturer, sell, and install. This pride in workmanship helps in business, but I get a little wrapped up in it sometimes. I’ll keep it in check.

I am considering the 1397... I prolly won't run at the track but maybe two or three times per year. It is strictly a street bike. I like to ride fast and hard and would dig some extra git-up-and-go. I want it to be managable in the twisties, since I like to grind the edges of my tires.

My main interest is being able to leave Bsrigley (and a couple of other bozos that I like to call friend) in the dust on the straights (since I will never leave that crazy bastid in the curves!)

Your location says VA.  Are you located in Virginia??  I didn't see an address on your web page.

I see your area code is in Norfolk, VA... But, Eric's is in Indianapolis, IA. So, where is the shop located?

As a sidenote, JC and I go back a bit (via posts) and I would prolly use him, except he is across the friggin' country!


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