Big O crash, wear your gear, I'm OK

Business being what it is I'll need to have some more time to save up for it.
Can't get the same "fix" on my mountain bike.

Glad you're alright Owen! Hey, get your baby fixed, new helmet, save up for a TD and let's go do Willow soon. That's where u need to get your cornering "fix."
Good luck with the insurance. From the look of the pictures that bike is totaled. I have a friend that is an insurance adjuster. After talking with him pretty much anything past two or three scratched farings will total out a sportbike. The insurance companies have to replace with OEM and the dealers charge an arm and a leg for these :(

Also just because you are alright that helmet took a good pounding. I'm assuming your head did too! If you have a headache or other abnormal problems I would get checked out by a doctor and let him know that you were involved in an accident. A girl I went to high school with (cheer leader) was in a car accident. She didnt show any signs after the accident but her brother found her dead the next morning from a brain aneurism.

Good luck with the recovery. Let us know how the morning after feels from that asphalt surfing excursion you took.
Damnit Owen. Glad you are OK! Good luck with the return to duty of your beloved bird.
holy **** man... leathers helmet and i presume insured... glad your okay, shame about the amazing bike and gear tho... that can be replaced but your life can't... well done on staying alive to tell every1 about it tho :) i came off at only 35mph... so god knows how you felt as the shock i had was enough to compeltly nock me out and the bike ran over me... due to getting cut up, in the dark...
My mechanic said the hole in the case acts like a dirt scoop and if there's dirt in the case the engine need to be taken apart and cleaned out so that could total the bike right there. Not including the fairing etc. It's also a little hard to push which might mean a bent front rotor. (I keep hearing chaCHING, chaCHING). The helmet and leathers are covered but I might not have a bike to ride. It it's totalled I might be able to buy it back but financial times being what they are it will be extremely difficult to rebuild it, even without replacing the bodywork.
As for the melon, if I felt the least bit dizzy, sleepy, or had blurry vision, or a headache I would have gotten checked out. (grammar?)

From the look of the pictures that bike is totaled. I have a friend that is an insurance adjuster.
Also just because you are alright that helmet took a good pounding. I'm assuming your head did too!
Glad u are ok! A lot of people I know seem to be going down due to other cagers! Again glad the gear held up and you re ok! Bike is repairable or can be replaced and not you!
glad you're ok. picture number four is the reason a case guard/slider is on my list of mods. as far as the "dirt scoop" thing goes, I'd pull that cover and inspect to see if anything DID get in there before I started worrying about a rebuild. That'd be alot of money for nothing if its clean in there! Hope everything works out for ya bro.
I'm really glad to hear that you were wearing your gear and better yet that it did it's job and best of all, that you're OK.

Also I'm really sorry about your bike and hate that you had that much damage, ARRRGGGGG

Wow your helmet looks like it really took a pounding.

I had a get off on Sept 7th, my bike was only 2 weeks old darn it. My gear did it's job too.
I read this earlier.. but not logged on... Sheez Owen... So very happy you made it though that crash.... Take care man .. hope you get it fixed or another Busa.......
I still remember our ride with Shane down in Vegas......went fast on that secondary road
w/ the wife on the back.. and then you split off to go home.... good times.
Owen, my sympathy for the get off. Scary stuff, mate. You remember the old world war II bomber jackets...the crustier and more beat up they got the cooler they looked? Man you just made your Dainese Jacket take on some real character. If the insurance comp totals the bike...might want to think about buying it was just a slide..plastic, stator case...rotor? The heck with tearing the engine her and see what happens..You could part her out and make more than the buy back. There are people who buy Busa engines for all sorts of wheel funnies...hang in there Owen...every misfortune has a secret opportunity...I really believe that..Glad you in one piece..God Bless...2hip:cheerleader:
Glad to hear you are ok :thumbsup: for gear...awesome that your gear worked! Bike can be fixed. I Have a set of blue extra oem fairings,I use them for the track or drags, just the front though, upper and lowers, no tail section...only damage is the exhaust touched a bit on the bottom, the nose upper is missing the inner tab for on the ride side for the inner cover rivet but i bet you and easily fabricate one...they are OEM and just need you pay shipping they are yours if you want or need them:thumbsup: I will post pics if you need them
insurance wont total it. prob..look minimal....but if the insurance totals it and you DO buy it back or something and part it I got dibs on the engine!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup: