Big O Lands a Job!!!

I got mice issues got any hookup in Maryland??

Yeah we're an international company, call your local Terminix company and tell them Owen from the Glendale CA office referred you.
I was pleasantly surprised by how dedicated to service they are. We know we're not the ONLY pest control company.

Congrats, I'm not sure how they are to work for but I've used Terminix for the last 6 years and they have been exceptional. Termite inspection once a year and pest prevention every 3 months :thumbsup:
Hit the Restauants real hard ! California Health Code for critters is MURDER ! See one, your on Probation, see one again, YOUR CLOSED until an inspection is made and NOTHING is found ! :beerchug:
Owen...glad for you and nice to see you here on the board again!

If it rains tomorrow morning, we may have to delay our 'filming' for another week. Take a look at your schedule for next week (when it's available) and LMK.

Look forward to it, yo!


Oh, yeah...I'm glad you're not one of the sprayer guys. :beerchug:
I have a Stack of APP'S about a FOOT Thick on my Desk Right Now........Just to fill 4 Part time Minimum Wage Jobs :shocked:

Times are Tough Folks So Hold on to the Job YA Got No Matter How it might Suck :beerchug:
Congrats, man! Looks like it's going to be a new adventure for you from what you were doing before!

Best of luck to you, man!
