BigJohn' Simple HID Install

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>HOLD ON PLAYAZ!!!</span>

First off thanks for the tips. As for the "DOUBLE STICK TAPE", I am not a
to installing electronics. No rolls of double stick tape were harmed in this install. Everything in the picture was securely held in place with cable ties. The ignitor is tied through the hole and around the wires and the balast is secured at both ends, which oddly enough holds the main body completely away from the fairing so air can move around ALL sides of it. I checked everything very carefully for rubbing as I was putting it back together because nobody likes a eletrical short, especially in their headlight. As for the aiming, just as it got dark enough to go out and aim the light, it started pouring rain. Yeah that pi$$ed me off, new HID and I cant go test it out. I live on the edge of town, so I have a nice dark paved road to go aim it on. I go with the seat-of-my-pants aiming, were you find a dark road and aim it where you want. That is how I readjusted my stock headlight and it worked out great. If any problems arise in the install, I will fix them in a day or so when my relay shows up.

I would just like to take a second to thank ICEMAN and Rhythm for all their help and ideas with this install.

I will keep you updated if any problems come up so you can do the whole "I TOLD YOU SO" thing.  


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Those silver stars look 1/2 decent... what was the part numbers for them. Did yu use the hi and low beams? Any probs with them? sj
You can get Silverstars at almost any autoparts store, just go in and ask for them. The bulbs are numbered like regular bulbs, so just ask for an H7 for the low beam and I cant remember the high beam number at the moment. I used them both in the high and the low beams and no problems except I had a low beam go out after a couple months. After I installed the HID, I turned on the high beam and there was a major difference in the color of the two. In the pics the Silverstar and the HID look really close, but in person with the silverstar high turned on with the HID, it looks like a washed out yellow color. They are a little better than a stock bulb so if you want to go with them they run about $20-$25 per bulb which is cheaper than a $200 HID system.

Who do think help you decide where you should mount your HID ballastr in the first place and as well with the original HID install you started selln years ago.

Click onto the below link !!!
my my my....

My deepest apologies pimp I see I shouldnt have a helpin voice today eh?

Wuz jus tryin ta save da man some $$ so he wouldnt do like I does.........