bike is dying on deceleration

04 stock everything had valves done and ever since then if I jump down two gears and really get on the gas, my bike dies. electric is still going and if I come up to fifth and pop the clutch it restarts? sound like anything any of you all have heard of?? Oh yeah, have a TRE on it.

If, after you drop down two gears, the engine is still running and you give it gas and it dies, I think it's something besides fast idle. Could be wrong though. I like mine about 1250, something easy to check.

Edit: I wish I'd learn to read all the posts before responding...
sigh. What is the purpose of the kickstand switch, besides being irritating? You have to have the clutch in to start, and I always let it out easy even if the green light is on. I rode a bike for many years without a neurtral indicator or a kickstand switch and I never had it take off because I had it in gear and inadvertantly let the clutch out.

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