Bike Of The Week!

Including the sick bikes at Daytona...Monsta's, I think, is the best I've seen. It's my fav. Tasteful and absolutely beautiful. Well done bro. Well done.
Sho' U Rite!! Monsta's bike is tops in my book. Of all the bikes I've seen by board members, his fits easily into the top 10. At the moment, only these two, which I truly adore, can hold a candle. And remember that I said "board members!"

Again...thanks so much guys, but imho, mine doesn't even hold a candle to the likes of Pat's or Nyrican's.
Those have to be two of THE most perfectly executed Busas I've ever seen.
I totally agree with ya Charles that they are both amazing bikes, every time I see them, I can't believe how perfect they are.
Other favorites of mine include.
Sleeper Busas two tone green one.
Lo's two tone Purple one.
Big E's custom airbrushed masterpeice, just the right amount of everything
BusaKyles insane showbike.
Clrwtrbusas all carbon turbo machine....absolutey one of the craziest overall Busas I've ever seen
Robert Kelly (469boy) two tone green/silver
Rich's orange bike he just finished....very original I love that one!!
I know I'm missing some, but these are deffinately some of my favorites
MSF....Great lookin' scoot - next to mine, it is probably my favorite
Yellow isn't normally my thing, but you are right, MonsterSpeedFreaks bike is just so nicely done that it has the ability to sway me anyway. That IS a beautiful machine, and MSF's hard work has paid off.
Sage...I think yer talkin about Nyricans bike. the two tone white/tan one.
I still haven't seen pics of BACharles bike.
Come on Charles pony up.....we gotta see that thing!!

Thanks for the compliments folks

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Bike of the week.. Wow now thats cool..and Bill you and your Busa shore do deserve it.. Very tasefully done, You got my vote.. Oh wait there was no vote or poll, any how nice ride..Congrats
Wow...I have no words folks...I am truely honored.
Thanks very much you all just made my week.
There are so many awesome bikes on here, I don't even think mine makes top 10, but I sure appreciate the compliments.
Thanks for the nomination Steven

Sincere appreciation.
Bill R
Can you post another pic of your bike, but in full sunlight? I am dying to see that yellow paintjob in lighting that really shows it off, because I am thinking of doing something similar to my bike.