Bike stands?

i use Vortec...:thumbsup:

2003 Busa, Pit Bull rear spool stand and Pit Bull hybrid front fork stand. Just under $290.00 with free shipping. At the door in 3 days from Motorcycle superstore, these things are BUILT! Got rear spools from ebay for $10.95 included shipping. Very easy to lift the Busa by myself. Would recommend them.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Busa Stands.jpg
How do you guys like the front stands with the pads? I have the Handy stand with the pins, but it is not the most positive when lifting the front, and I have had them slip before.
I have T-Rex, front and rear. No problems, nice and sturdy. Found them new, on E-Bay a couple years ago...$110 shipped. The front lifts under/behind the forks. Nice and secure.
I have been using the Suzuki stands for 7 years with no problems, but they were a little pricey.

busa maint 023.jpg
These are cheap, but I would not get these again. They do not raise the rear high enough off the ground to take the tire off, and the plastic adjustments break:

which is better? Tapered struts that fit in the bottom of the forks? or arms that lift under the bottom and back side of your front fork tubes?

Dont go with those things that stick in the fork bottoms. Nobody uses those and that speaks volumes right there. Heard they will damage the finish. The rubber covered pegs that go behind/ under the forks work great. Recomend PitBull ForkLift with Converter bar so you can lift under the forks or under the steering pivot.

Rear stand? IMHO the PitBull forward handle is not safe to use as a solo lifting stand on the busa. Too big a bike and the spools are too low, the freagin handle darn near sticks up at 12 o'clock you got NO leverage....I know some will disagree. I'm no slouch but I haven't the strength to lift my stockbusa.., Maybe now that I switched to aftermarket exhaust it will be a lot easier. ALmost dropped my busa with the PitBull forward handle.

I highly recomend the Heindl Engineering swingarm pivot stand for safe lifting. Easiest stand to lift I ever used. Fits my 08 busa just touches the side panels but no damage. Works with my Pit Bull front stands.
hey fellow riders, im thinking of getting some stands for the bike and was wondering what style is better. im getting the spool type for the rear but unsure about the front. which is better? Tapered struts that fit in the bottom of the forks? or arms that lift under the bottom and back side of your front fork tubes? any info?

This is a pricey alternative. I love it! Has a couple quirks like access to the shift linkage is a bit restricted. It's called a Bursig, google the name to see a video demo.

2012 Corbinized Hayabusa


There is a company nearby that makes these and sells them for $35 each, out the door. I bought the rear stand. Works well.

GPI industries work great. Both stands fit the Busa great, no hitting the fender or any other hard parts other than the intended. You get them in pairs, front and rear, and the font stand converts to fork or steering head. Ebay has them right now, factory blemish sale, about 149 plus shipping for front and rear. Plus they give you about 10 dif sized pins, so you can lift just about any bike using the steering head. They are very solid, heavy stands. I could not find a single blemish on mine, even though they were on "blemish" sale. Maybe TreyYoung had a bad set, mine feel solid and lift the bike high enough to do whatever... :dunno:
Red line stands here with the front stand that goes in the bottom of the forks, working great for the last 2 years.

Sent from my hayabusa!
I made my own, used 1x1 square tubes and 1/2 inch for gussets . Drilled holes at the pivot point and mounted wheels, used 11/2inch pipe cut in half and bent up on the ends to grab my home made spindles, which are 3/4 round stock with holes drilled for bolts to swing arm. I made it to fit me so I could stand on the side of the bike and balance it while put the stand in then pull down, and long enough so it,s eazy too pick up.
I like my pit bulls, Do yourself a favor and get some stands, very handy. I use them often with the two bikes. Would not want to be without them. +1, Spools and forklift with pin option.