Bike Stolen in Landover Maryland

At 1:00 this morning I got a call from the  
DC Police department
.  They found my bike still in the van. It even had company. The officer said that there were 2 bikes in the back of the van.

Unfortunately he did say that it looked like damage to the back of it where it looked like they worked on it. Now all I can hope for is the damage is not too bad. Taking the morning off from work to get it and work with my insurance company.  Wish me luck.

He didn't tell me if they caught the guys. So keep an eye out. Now thinking about installing LoJack.
What a miracle. Not only to find your bike but to find it so fast. You have a special angel on your shoulder. Congrats on getting back and hope it is not trashed to bad.

This is why I don't mind when a cop Pulls me over just to check me out, or when a shop (my dealer does this) checks out vin #'s.

I KNOW YOUR PAIN !!!!!! I had my bike stolen when it was 3 months old, in Oct. of 06. The good news is they found it 8 days later in someones garage, with 3 other bikes, all 06's (ZX 10, Gixxer 1000, and a CBR 1000 RR), The only reason they found it was because the CBR 1000 RR had a Lojack.
Want to guess what the owner of the house was charged with ? You ready ?.......Misdimeanor (sp?) possesion of stolen property. I was told if it went to court I would be called in, never happened, so you know it was dropped down to something even lower. Over $40,000.00 worth of bikes, and not even a slap on the wrist. Then my insurance went from $170.00 to $290.00 a month. I'm sure one monthly payment cost more than this guys fine.
That's GREAT !!! Glad they found it !! Any damage ? When I got mine back it was scratched up from being squeessed in between the other bikes, and they busted my steering lock. And just from that the insurance company wanted to total it.
Thats awesome. As for your work, I would go to someone over your boss and tell them that you weren't even informed about the theft. Thats a load of bs!
Dayyyyum, dude, this is my first ever hearing a good outcome about a stolem bike.
That's GREAT !!!  Glad they found it !! Any damage ? When I got mine back it was scratched up from being squeessed in between the other bikes, and they busted my steering lock. And just from that the insurance company wanted to total it.
To justify the bullshid increase they hit you over the head with, that's why. Greedy azz bastardz Insurance co.


Congrats on getting the bike back!!! I can't imagine the sickening feeling of getting it stolen. I've had my convertable top slashed on my car 3 times in Flint MI right out side of work at lunch time. That boiled my blood, i can't imagine having someone jack the Busa but i'm glad they retrieved it. Anyone know how much this lo-jack costs? Do you pay for the service each year or do you just pay one fee. It sounds like a brilliant idea.
WOW , glad they found it so quick. Had my 750gsxr stolen in Daytona and it was not recovered until 4 years later. Keep us posted about if the get the guys.
Congrats on getting the bike back!!!  I can't imagine the sickening feeling of getting it stolen.  I've had my convertable top slashed on my car 3 times in Flint MI right out side of work at lunch time.  That boiled my blood, i can't imagine having someone jack the Busa but i'm glad they retrieved it.  Anyone know how much this lo-jack costs? Do you pay for the service each year or do you just pay one fee.  It sounds like a brilliant idea.
C-Top cut 3 time, dayyyyyyyuuuum
Soundz like you got a Fatal Attraction on your handz.
Here in Seattle I've been reading about bikes getting stolen what seems like nearly every day.

...Kill bike thieves and don't buy stolen parts.
hey, a little damage is better then no bike..congrats

lmk if you need anything,i have a tail you can have,its black,rear brake light,zzz chain with less then 500mi on it,swingarm and a bunch of other stuff your welcome to
Awesome you got your bike back. In the future don't park it where you can't see it. Now your insurance is going up.
I was told $750.00 for the Lojack. When they put it on your bike they don't even tell you where it is, but I'm sure most of you wrenchers would find it !! I think it's only like a 3 inch box, pretty hard to get to. That's why most car thieves park stolen cars for acouple days, and wait to see what happens.

They have an average of like 8 hours, till they find it.