Bike thief tactics

One thing to say!!!! Smith & Wesson!!!!
"You don't think we just gonna let you walk out of here."
"Who we?"
"Smith, and Wesson, and I.."
Boom! Bam! Bam!

Here's what you do...tell your neighbors to stop complaining at you and start complaining to the Resident Board about the lack of security by the guards. If they were doing their jobs correctly there would be no need for the alarm to be going off at night.
It' because of their inefficiency that you have to set the audio alarm.
I usually have a bike cover and Scorpio set up. Attempts on the bike are between the hours of midnight to 4 am.

I keep the perimeter on high sensitivity to deter people from getting near it. My friend, in an adjacent neigbourhood in Seoul, scoffed at an alarm until someone poured Coke all over his Hayabusa cover. Others scratched it. (sigh)

I am going to buy a disc lock (front) and a big phat chain (for the rear). Find myself a nice piece of concrete brick and hook that up to the chain. That should give me a few extra seconds to engage any serious would-be thieves.

I'm going to find out who are the chief complaintants about the noise and send them a note.

Thanks for the tips about where to park, especially with the first floor dwellers. I never thought of that one.
I would stay awake all night and beat the Kimchi hell outta those fugging bastids that messed with my ride. I hate thieves...
Two male students (highschool or middle school uniforms) just looked at my motorcycle today and hit it (just now...5:00 pm... 17 hours after midnight tilt). The bike was covered (as usual).

I switched my motorcycle alarm to FULL silent mode (with perimter off), but full shock and tilt detection ON. No audible warnings so they didn't know the alarm was on.

On an unrelated note, I saw highschool students trying to steal a bicycle from the same apartment complex at 1:00 am.  They were unsuccessful in stealing the bicycle so I didn't call the police. It seems to me that anything going on comes from the local highschool students living around here.

I think I have enough cause to leave the alarm on full audible position. I did not yell out from my balcony (I have a direct view without being seen).  

I will inform the local security guards and the management office.

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I would report it to the property management and turn the audible back on until they get some security.

+3 on this..

It is the security folks responsibility to ensure your person and possesions are safe. If they were doing there job I would think that would keep the audible alarm from going off in the first place.