Do I still need to try this if the below procedure has worked?Take a large gauge wire and replace the starter wire. Simple to do, but you need to remove the right side fairing. Connect one end to the starter motor and the other directly to the battery and see if it starts. Remove the end from the battery and connect to the starter relay. If it works, then the starter lead wire is bad.
Yes. I did this last week thursday. It will start if I connect the to large wires together that go into the relay. The one from the starter and the one from the positive terminal on the battery. While running a test with it, I notice that the large wire from the starter functions as a ground until I put power to it. If I try it with a small wire, the wire will get hot as if I am doing something wrong. with a screwdriver or any other metal object, it will spark as if you touched the negative and positive terminal on a car battery, but the starter will work.Would it be possible to just bypass the starter relay to see if she'll start. Did you inspect the wire from the relay to the starter to see if there is a worn spot grounding it out causing it to F up the relay?
I would to at least rule it out.
I this may be a long shot but my buddy's bike started one day and the next didnt and it was the spark plugs he changed them and it fired right up this may not be your problem but i saw all the other things everybody suggested and that you've tried so i just thought i would add my 2 cents i hope you get it going soon let us know too when you get it going and what it was that fixed it
Good point it was the only thing i could think of and i just wanted to help sorry i'll just keep to myself from now on
Thats good cause i don't do good with keeping to myselfbut yea i will be thinking and asking around to see if any of my buddy's know anything... One of them used to work in a Suzuki shop so maybe he'll know
No problem man... I'm sure someone on here will figure it out God knows everybody here sure has helped me out
Maybe I'm viewing the vid wrong, but it looks like you are tapping the yellow wire onto the starter relay. I had a similar problem and ran the wire straight to the battery and it fired up. Changed out the starter relay (and a few other things) and she runs great now.
have you tried a test light to see if when you hit button if power comes to the starter wire at starter?