Bikini contest at MIR


So many to choose from, but im digging Girl #1 in this picture #994.
She's got the red, white and blue bikini.
In the end it is just a bunch of bones, muscle and other assorted organic material tightly wrapped in living tissue.
God BLEEPIT!!! You could literally throw a stone from MIR and hit my house and I am stuck up here in North Jersey visting family!!!! ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I loves da womens.....
In this order #1, #10, #17, #11 I called it before final pics! yeh me! They are smokin! Some were cows! But to each thier own I guess. I can't do cottage cheese thighs! Yuck!
Thank goodness.  I thought the busty peroxide blonde with the clipboard was a contestant.  It gets better in shot 2.