BILL WARNER - Champion



Only 44 years old, Bill Warner accomplished more in land speed racing
than most racers accomplish in a career – probably ten careers.
Most knowledgeable racers expect that Bill’s 311 MPH terminal speed
record in the 1.5 mile race will not be broken in their lifetimes,
and that Bill’s mile record of 296 MPH – set only hours
before his death – will be the same.

Warner, a marine biologist and college graduate was a gentle tropical fish farmer
in the Tampa Florida area. Bill came late to land speed racing,
beginning a racing career of rocket-ship-like performance less than 10 years ago.

Always trying to reach the next level of speed, Bill was never satisfied with “good enough.â€
Bill quickly proved his championship strengths by taking the Texas Mile motorcycle
track record with an un-streamlined bike in 2010.

It was at that point that we all realized that everybody else was playing catch-up ball,
and that we were in the final 2 minutes of the game.

The next year, Bill slammed down his earth- shaking, and world-beating 311 MPH run at Loring.

In one single run, Bill became the first to break
270 mph, 280 mph, 290 mph, 300 mph and 310 mph.

In a time when the ultimate record was being increased by
Measures of 5 or 10 mph – or even 2 mph – Bill in one run
advanced the mark 50 mph.

And he wasn’t even done.

Bill brought to the sport, and to his pursuit of that sport, a drive and intensity
rarely seen in it’s combination of intellect, scientific thinking, willingness
to work 24/7 and to place all his worldly assets in the service of his racing goals.

While doing this, Bill maintained an even temper, rarely if ever raising his voice in anger.
He blessed his friends with his ready humor,
and he humored those that thought they were his competition.

In fact, Bill had no competition.

And he never will.
I never had the privilege of meeting Bill, but have followed him for years on the internet. He seemed like an awesome guy on a personal level and obviously had it going in the world of LSR. He will be missed by many.
I never had the privilege of meeting Bill, but have followed him for years on the internet. He seemed like an awesome guy on a personal level and obviously had it going in the world of LSR. He will be missed by many.

Same here. Everything I was able to read said he was willing to help you out in the pits to try and get you to break your personal goal even though he was breaking world records. Says a lot about the man, most people get cocky when they win but he seemed like a humble guy willing to help anyone
I was looking forward to meeting him (hopefully at the Mojave mile event this Oct.) R.I.P. Bill and Prayers to his family!
Re: BILL WARNER - Champion Goodby our friend

At the time I wrote this service, I knew
that Ellen and I were not going to be
able to attend Bill's funeral.

I sent this to Walt Kudron, in hopes
that, with Walt's help, there could
have been one final "coming together"
with Bill before we wished him our
"final goodbyes"

I had hoped that this could have been
delivered at Bill's graveside remembrance.

Bill Warner’s graveside service

Today, we share a Gathering of Eagles,
the men and women who held the
throttle wide open,
and who in spirit
joined Bill on every run.

No-one but this group truly
understands Bills drive,
and all that he accomplished
in his unfortunately
all – too - brief career as
the best LSR pavement racer
in the history of the world.

As we give Bill back to the earth,
we remember how high he flew.

Let him go to our friends who
have gone before,with our
praise ringing in his ears
for a job well done,
and thanks for his
friendship lovingly given.

Let us form one last circle
with Bill and remember him.

In this circle, may we also
be joined by Debbie Dross,
Larry Forstall, Karl Gunter,
Scott Guthrie and Billy Shoemaker.
Those friends of Bill,
who – but for fortune – could
now be waiting for him,
but who can still twist the throttle
in his honor.

One last time, let us all
hold Bill’s one hand,
while Bill offers his
other hand up, and is greeted
by our old friends John Becket
and Dave Owen.

Bill: Go forward, with us knowing
that you would have made your
last run, your greatest run ever,
at over 300 mph in the mile.

The memories of your life and
accomplishments will live in
our hearts until we join you.

Thank you Bill,
for filling our lives with smiles.

Thank you Bill,
for making our
world a better place.