Blackberry's and the Org

Viper, I know about gingerbread, and I'm excited for its official release. That being said, if Frog was to get the HTC phone over the Motorola, he will see that official release sooner OTA. HTC seems to get the Android updates sooner than most. I think there is some relationship there.
Also, no disrespect to FastFrog, but he is not the user that will ROOT. I would consider myself a "techy" and LOVE to tinker with my phone and try stuff out. I however STILL haven't rooted my EVO. I don't think it needs it. It's 1gz processor is fast enough, and I love how smooth the HTC SENSE software works. No reason to ROOT. I'm not looking to use the wireless hotspot utility or anything. First things first, my phone is just that. A phone. I'm not going to mess that part of it up.
I understand why people root, don't get me wrong. I just don't think its for everyone, and we shouldn't recommend phones to people that need to be rooted to become "useable" and fast.
Know what I mean?

I honestly didnt recommend a phone that needed to be rooted. I suggested the inc i think. That phone doesnt need rooted though you can. It operates plenty fast to handle what most people will through at it. I always try to show options and possibilites. Everyone can learn. I think if a person gets bored with what they have and they cant afford new...try to improve what you have:) thats why i am rooted, over clocked, rommed, themed etc.
SO this thread had me go back to the local cell phone sotre to see if I should upgrade to a smart phone as well. The I-phone is available with another company, and my contract is up next month, so I could switch. But my company just got the Android in. It's the only company with it, and it is all new to the island. It's the IS03 Android 2.1 by Sharp. Anyone know anything about this one? Perhaps it is a Japanese model only? FWIW, it's around $375 with current exchange rate.
Just got the Droid X. Still getting used to it & downloading (free) apps you guys keep suggesting. Like that it's the real internet in front of me. One of the most useful aps is a Time Zone app that shows the time all over the globe since am doing email & calls every day with countries all over the world every day. That's handy.

Can't get (barely) AT&T where I live so iPhone is not an option.

Still trying to figure out how to make the phone ($100/mo) pay for itself. :poke:

Downloaded the screen grabber ShootMe but it won't install on the phone. :(
i havent tried the screen grabber. so i cant help much there. i think you can write your phone off as a business expense tim. if you use it for company emails etc should be no big deal:)
SO this thread had me go back to the local cell phone sotre to see if I should upgrade to a smart phone as well. The I-phone is available with another company, and my contract is up next month, so I could switch. But my company just got the Android in. It's the only company with it, and it is all new to the island. It's the IS03 Android 2.1 by Sharp. Anyone know anything about this one? Perhaps it is a Japanese model only? FWIW, it's around $375 with current exchange rate.
I've honestly never heard of the phone. However, if you are a gadget type of person, and you are going to download TONS of apps, and the like, I would see if you could wait for Android 2.2 to be available. Not saying you might not totally LOVE the phone, but it is definitely limited be the 2.1 operating system. I would ask some questions at your phone store and see what they might have coming out.

Just got the Droid X. Still getting used to it & downloading (free) apps you guys keep suggesting. Like that it's the real internet in front of me. One of the most useful aps is a Time Zone app that shows the time all over the globe since am doing email & calls every day with countries all over the world every day. That's handy.

Can't get (barely) AT&T where I live so iPhone is not an option.

Still trying to figure out how to make the phone ($100/mo) pay for itself. :poke:

Downloaded the screen grabber ShootMe but it won't install on the phone. :(

I read somewhere that the ShootMe app might only work on HTC phones. I don't know why, or if that's true, but I think I remember reading it. When our phones get the new Gingerbread OS this is supposed to be a feature built in. You are trying to justify your phone, and I'm trying to figure out how I got away without a phone like this for the past 5 years!! INSTANT gmail syncing, internet (the real internet, not mobile internet) at my fingertips, GPS, alarms, games, sports scores, etc. Now for your business, I don't know what real benefits you could have besides email, gps, calendar functions, etc..
You do know Tim that using the calendar on your actual Gmail on your computer and setting up appointments, etc automatically syncs with your phone, right? I would think that would be HUGE when planning rides, etc..
I dunno ???
ok..on the 4G 4G really worth it today, on anybodies network? Is it true LTE 4G, and will the current phone you are buying work when it gets there? How many places do you really connect to 4G, how many cities is it in today? Are you ready to pay the EXTRA FEES that each provider charges when you do connect to the limited 4G sites/cities that are in existence today?

Personally I've played with both the iPhone and the Android phones, and both are good, go with what you want and what works for you! Tapatalk works very well on the iphone also and let's you do everything you would want to do, and it looks like the .org there too!

I've haven't had all the AT&T issues that everybody else has, and in fact look forward to Verizon having an iPhone and folks leaving AT&T, more bandwidth for me!!
ok..on the 4G 4G really worth it today, on anybodies network? Is it true LTE 4G, and will the current phone you are buying work when it gets there? How many places do you really connect to 4G, how many cities is it in today? Are you ready to pay the EXTRA FEES that each provider charges when you do connect to the limited 4G sites/cities that are in existence today?

Personally I've played with both the iPhone and the Android phones, and both are good, go with what you want and what works for you! Tapatalk works very well on the iphone also and let's you do everything you would want to do, and it looks like the .org there too!

I've haven't had all the AT&T issues that everybody else has, and in fact look forward to Verizon having an iPhone and folks leaving AT&T, more bandwidth for me!!

Agreed the 4G really isnt necessary today and where our fashionable frog lives, I doubt there's any 4G in the air today or for the near future. For me I travel everywhere and my coworkers have the 4G phones. Its freakin fast and very cool what you can do with it when it works....

My point was that it seems Tim holds onto his technology well past its due date (:poke:), so getting something without 4G would in 2yrs perhaps be the driving motivation to upgrade again. I think if it were me buying (and I am shopping currently) I would factor costs of ownership of the device with cost of using the device and weigh that against the feature set for what I will use it for....and when I've done that so far I cant find a compelling reason to get rid of my blackberry :(. 4G is currently free on sprint and if you have their everything package, data is unlimited from the phone :thumbsup:
Agreed the 4G really isnt necessary today and where our fashionable frog lives, I doubt there's any 4G in the air today or for the near future. For me I travel everywhere and my coworkers have the 4G phones. Its freakin fast and very cool what you can do with it when it works....

My point was that it seems Tim holds onto his technology well past its due date (:poke:), so getting something without 4G would in 2yrs perhaps be the driving motivation to upgrade again. I think if it were me buying (and I am shopping currently) I would factor costs of ownership of the device with cost of using the device and weigh that against the feature set for what I will use it for....and when I've done that so far I cant find a compelling reason to get rid of my blackberry :(. 4G is currently free on sprint and if you have their everything package, data is unlimited from the phone :thumbsup:

I'm forced to pay an extra $10 for 4g for my EVO and I don't have access to 4g in Milwaukee. I've used it when I was in Chicago, and YES, ITS WORTH IT! Faster than my internet at home, that's for sure. I however last time I checked am getting 1.5mps on my EVO without 4g. That's pretty good to me. But as far as I know the $10 4g fee is not an option, its mandatory with the EVO and the EPIC.
Agreed the 4G really isnt necessary today and where our fashionable frog lives, I doubt there's any 4G in the air today or for the near future. For me I travel everywhere and my coworkers have the 4G phones. Its freakin fast and very cool what you can do with it when it works....

My point was that it seems Tim holds onto his technology well past its due date (:poke:), so getting something without 4G would in 2yrs perhaps be the driving motivation to upgrade again. I think if it were me buying (and I am shopping currently) I would factor costs of ownership of the device with cost of using the device and weigh that against the feature set for what I will use it for....and when I've done that so far I cant find a compelling reason to get rid of my blackberry :(. 4G is currently free on sprint and if you have their everything package, data is unlimited from the phone :thumbsup:

:rofl: You know me too well. No 4G in in Binghamton? I think we're still on 1G and its not workin soo well:lol:

Will I get to pay $10 for 4G with the Incredible?
Tim, I don't know if they charge the extra money for the 4g with Verizon, but I also don't think the Incredible is a 4g phone anyway. I don't know what 4g phones Verizon offers. If you live somewhere that isn't a BIG city, I wouldn't worry about 4g right now anyway. You'll be WAY out of your contract by the time 4g coverage rolls around by you.

And on a side note, I actually just called Sprint, and yes, my b.s. $10 per month charge still stands. They claim it isn't for 4g, its for "all the extra data my phone pulls from the network, and how fast it pulls it" I call b.s. but there isn't a darn thing I can do about it. Funny how they say it isn't for 4g, but yet the only phones that require this are the 4g phones.... ???
Tim, I don't know if they charge the extra money for the 4g with Verizon, but I also don't think the Incredible is a 4g phone anyway. I don't know what 4g phones Verizon offers. If you live somewhere that isn't a BIG city, I wouldn't worry about 4g right now anyway. You'll be WAY out of your contract by the time 4g coverage rolls around by you.

And on a side note, I actually just called Sprint, and yes, my b.s. $10 per month charge still stands. They claim it isn't for 4g, its for "all the extra data my phone pulls from the network, and how fast it pulls it" I call b.s. but there isn't a darn thing I can do about it. Funny how they say it isn't for 4g, but yet the only phones that require this are the 4g phones.... ???

My lil city wont see 4G till it rolls south from Syracuse:whistle:

Gotta love phone companies, "all the extra data" maybe your just greedy:laugh:
I'm sure of that! I've heard nightmare stories from AT&T people about their bills from the iPhone. They do the same crap over there. Well, you need this and this and this just to use your phone. Typical crap. Oh well, no matter what, I love my HTC EVO, and I've been the happiest with Sprint than I've been with the other carriers, so I guess at least in my area and for the traveling I do, Sprint will be the answer for me...

I'm sure of that! I've heard nightmare stories from AT&T people about their bills from the iPhone. They do the same crap over there. Well, you need this and this and this just to use your phone. Typical crap. Oh well, no matter what, I love my HTC EVO, and I've been the happiest with Sprint than I've been with the other carriers, so I guess at least in my area and for the traveling I do, Sprint will be the answer for me...


I have noticed in my area that Verizon & Sprint's coverage isn't that good and have had drop calls and internet coverage sucks. T-Mobile is decent but still had issues with Calls , AT&T seems to be best in my area and my Iphone 4 hasn't had issues with Calls or Internet so I would say that depending on where your at should guide you in the right direction. AT&T here has excellent Customer Service and I get a Good Discount .:whistle:
I'm sure of that! I've heard nightmare stories from AT&T people about their bills from the iPhone. They do the same crap over there. Well, you need this and this and this just to use your phone. Typical crap. Oh well, no matter what, I love my HTC EVO, and I've been the happiest with Sprint than I've been with the other carriers, so I guess at least in my area and for the traveling I do, Sprint will be the answer for me...


Should have it by tuesday, gotta order online. Just sold a set of wheels on craiglist so i got some extra ca$h.:thumbsup:

If i dont like it, Its YOUR FAULT!!!!!:laugh:
you will like the inc...give it a little get used to isnt a 4g phone. which is ok cause 4 g is a ways out in full time coverage. It will be 5 years before its everywere. Thats the latest projections i have seen.
+100000 Gsxrbots. I LOVE my evo...

