
Yes I have seen it. I also can still remember when SeaWorld first opened. First.... Seaworld is nothing more than a circus. I believe there is alot of truth in Blackfish and Seaworld will always put profit above people. They treat their animals very well and they are physically healthy, mentally is another story.

The orca owned by Sea World in Loro Parque aren't physically well...seems they are eating the pools and constantly having endoscopic procedures to fix digestive issues. :(

Yeah, mentally, I feel they are abused for profit...

via Samsung Galaxy SIII
They arent physically or emotionally abused. Orcas are extremely intellegent. If they dont want to do something they cant be forced the same way they do elephants.
Thank you Vabs! That's what this movie was intended for, word of mouth!
If you noticed and talked about this movie with others you will realize that the movie does not actually slam SeaWorld as much as the retelling of it. My daughter told me of this months ago and when it came out on NetFlix I immediately watched it and thought about how well it got the message across without having to beat up SeaWorld. They made mistakes that no one could have known and will ever know. These animals are not here for our pleasure and one day, maybe, we will realize this. I too will never visit or contribute to the cash cow that has dominated our interest and clouded our minds about wild animals.
Thanks again,
Thank you Vabs! That's what this movie was intended for, word of mouth!
If you noticed and talked about this movie with others you will realize that the movie does not actually slam SeaWorld as much as the retelling of it. My daughter told me of this months ago and when it came out on NetFlix I immediately watched it and thought about how well it got the message across without having to beat up SeaWorld. They made mistakes that no one could have known and will ever know. These animals are not here for our pleasure and one day, maybe, we will realize this. I too will never visit or contribute to the cash cow that has dominated our interest and clouded our minds about wild animals.
Thanks again,

Exactly! I think so many that haven't seen it yet are assuming it does slam Sea World constantly, but as you mentioned, it's not presented in that way...

I'm an animal rights activist first, so that is why I watched, and that is what hits me the hardest - that these animals were caught from the wild and taken from their pods for profit (initially anyway)...the collateral losses along the way, both in deaths in the wild once in our nets as well as the losses in the breeding programs, are sad. I found a stat the other day, though have been unable to verify it just yet - 159 baby orca have perished in the breeding program. If that is true, then it is truly pathetic.

What I didn't expect to take away from this was sympathy for the trainers, but one after another after another have come forward to say things are not as they seem, "facts" that Sea World has engrained in the public's mind about orca in captivity are lies, lies they helped perpetrate and regret being a part of, and trainers were never warned of the dangers of what they were doing by getting in the water with these animals. When trainer deaths occur, they've all had to stand by and watch Sea World blame the dead trainer when all facts and eye-witnesses show otherwise.

It was an eye-opener...

via Samsung Galaxy SIII
That documentary had a very deep effect on me. Thanks for the mention VA...

Thanks for mentioning it! I kept waiting for the time to watch and now I've seen it twice...I'm going to sit with my kids and watch it soon too, so perhaps a new generation will see this entire money-making fiasco for what it is - barbaric...

via Samsung Galaxy SIII
They arent physically or emotionally abused. Orcas are extremely intellegent. If they dont want to do something they cant be forced the same way they do elephants.

Actually, I would argue there is physical abuse, just not at the hands of humans. Tilikum is one that's been continually raked by females he could not escape from, and he was trapped with them day after day...remember the orca that died after another orca rammed her head and severed an artery? She bled to death in front of everyone - these kinds of behaviors may exist in the wild, but we haven't seen it. They are very social and emotionally bonded creatures within their own pods, and if there is tension, there's room in the wild to avoid confrontation, but in man-made pools tossed in with "strangers", there's no where for a "bullied" orca to go...

via Samsung Galaxy SIII
Saw it and resolved to never give SeaWorld a penny of my money ever. I applaud the entertainers who are cancelling shows also. By it's very nature, taking an animal that has evolved to swim free and hunt in the vast oceans and confining it to what amounts to a jail cell is by definition cruel. I simply is not possible to recreate their environment in a tank. Zoos can to some extent recreate the environment for most animals and endangered animals are sometimes safer in captivity. Circuses are just one step away from what SeaWorld does. Additionally, Jack Hannah is nothing more than a paid mouthpiece four SeaWorld. I understand exposure of these animals to the public has helped in preserving them and educating the public. In this day and age, with the multimedia capabilities we have that is a dead argument. They should all be let free and it should b e illegal to breed them in captivity.
The part where they are interviewing people who did the roundups was traumatizing.
The videos of the little ones screaming for mommy as they were being separated and netted was hard to watch.
People that did that should have been shot.
It's no different than zoos. I can't stand animals in cages or pools.
Actually, I would argue there is physical abuse, just not at the hands of humans. Tilikum is one that's been continually raked by females he could not escape from, and he was trapped with them day after day...remember the orca that died after another orca rammed her head and severed an artery? She bled to death in front of everyone - these kinds of behaviors may exist in the wild, but we haven't seen it. They are very social and emotionally bonded creatures within their own pods, and if there is tension, there's room in the wild to avoid confrontation, but in man-made pools tossed in with "strangers", there's no where for a "bullied" orca to go...

via Samsung Galaxy SIII

They threw a Crip in with the Bloods and were surprised they didn't get along? Dumbasses.
Well they look the same they should get along. Dumber asses.
They threw a Crip in with the Bloods and were surprised they didn't get along? Dumbasses.
Well they look the same they should get along. Dumber asses.

The problem is that they don't care if they get along or not...making money is all that matters...

via Samsung Galaxy SIII
you made an interesting quote va... "It was really interesting/disturbing, but take it for what it is and research more...I took from it what we should all already know/expect anyway - Sea World is out to make as much money as possible, at any cost, both in terms of animal life and human life" if we are able to logically adapt this thought process to how it effects an animal....they WHY do we look down on groups who fight the corporations and their use and abuse of the worker to the same end?...and we condemn these groups...and say THEY are the reason for the degrade of our society.... we say bill of rights...and everyone cheers...we say worker rights....and we all boo....both ARE LAW!!.... when will we see rich people suck because they only feed GREED... nothing wrong with making a profit...but to make those who work for you a slave and live in poverty because you want to INCREASE YOUR PROFIT MARGIN...notice...not make a profit...INCREASE THE PROFIT MARGIN....bring back the mom and least they APPRECIATED who helped them make the money they earned..
you made an interesting quote va... "It was really interesting/disturbing, but take it for what it is and research more...I took from it what we should all already know/expect anyway - Sea World is out to make as much money as possible, at any cost, both in terms of animal life and human life" if we are able to logically adapt this thought process to how it effects an animal....they WHY do we look down on groups who fight the corporations and their use and abuse of the worker to the same end?...and we condemn these groups...and say THEY are the reason for the degrade of our society.... we say bill of rights...and everyone cheers...we say worker rights....and we all boo....both ARE LAW!!.... when will we see rich people suck because they only feed GREED... nothing wrong with making a profit...but to make those who work for you a slave and live in poverty because you want to INCREASE YOUR PROFIT MARGIN...notice...not make a profit...INCREASE THE PROFIT MARGIN....bring back the mom and least they APPRECIATED who helped them make the money they earned..

Honestly Chris, I think many want change, and many want to fight corruption and greed, but in the end, common man feels very powerless when standing up against corporate giants. We don't have the means to hire the legal dream teams they have, and they know it. Want to be mad? Research Monsanto and how much a single corporation has been allowed to ruin the common farmer, all backed by out very own government. How does a farmer fight such a monster? How do 20 farmers fight? 1000? They try, they lose because our government has allowed that corporation to patent seeds, and now whenever the common farmer plants that same crop he's been planting for generations, Monsanto comes along and claims the small farmer's crop is contaminating their patented seeds, and they win case after case after case until the farmers either comply and buy Monsanto seeds or go under...

I know that we the people have the power to band together and force change, but it's the banding together en mass that never seems to work, and this country is so divided, I'm not sure you'll ever get enough on one side of a subject to ever exact the change necessary...because of this complacency, we continue to lose rights and oftentimes we are completely unaware that they are even being taken away...

Back to the original subject - I've read enough to know that there are a lot of people that see what Sea World has done and they will never support it again, but I see almost as many that 1) don't care and 2) just don't see the truth - they see something different entirely, they think we know more about these creatures because of Sea World and they will support their cause, so again, a nation divided. That's our biggest problem...

via Samsung Galaxy SIII