Blast from the past!!!

Well look what the dog dragged in :laugh:

Great to see you popping back in BT. Lots has changed but then again, not really. Still lots of us "old timers" around and plenty of newbies :laugh:

Hope you stick around for a while, missed ya on the boards :beerchug:
Damn. Someone had to dust of that account!

:welcome: back BT! Good to see you found your way back home. Congrats on the kids! Sorry about the Ex and you being bikeless. I moved on to an 08 Busa during your absence.

Cheers and enjoy!
Hey Chris!!!! I just got your email at work...I can't believe you've shown up after all this time!! Hate to hear about the roller coaster of life but you do have two beautiful kids!!!

I've reset your password on your old acct (read your email)...we'll merge the two so you don't lose your's important you know :rofl:

We need to catch up! And I'm so glad to see that pic of your Busa; she was always so dirty :whistle: :moon:
Yep, I'm bikeless. Got two young'uns now. My girl is almost 19 months and I have a son now that is just over 3 months old. I miss my bikes, and especially bullettrain, but wouldn't swap my kids for all the bikes in the world. :thumbsup:

dont know ya yet but glad to see ya back:welcome:
Hey BT, good to see ya!

No bike, so what the hell are you using your Zaino supply on? Gotta be the shiniest Crown Vic on the street.....

I'm bikeless myself for now...eyeballing a Orange/Black 08 as we speak, but my profession is not a pretty place to be working in right now, so we'll see.

Good lookin' sprouts, BTW....nothing will bring you more joy than those two little bundles.
A most hearty welcome, BT :beerchug:. Your kids look awesome. I always remember you as the first person to greet me here in the .Org. It's funny, every now and then someone will dig up an ancient thread and I'll see your name. I raise a toast every time :beerchug:.
your kids look FANTASTIC! That has GOT TO BE the most rewarding "hobby" ;) on the planet!!

H.ORG has had ups and downs like usual, but I still think it has some of the nicest diversity of people anywhere without the crap, so I'm sticking around. And I'll probably keep my busa for life too (maybe). Post up whenever you feel the urge, bro!! Nice to see you again.
Thanks for the love, and the comments on the kids. Nothin' like 'em. :thumbsup:

I threw together a little avatar. Couldn't find my old ones on my computer. Maybe they'll turn up somewhere later. This is now one of my saddest motorcycle memories. It's 'Train loaded up to go to her new owner.

Great to see a lot of the old faces. This is one of the only boards I've ever been a part of that kept so many of the members for this long. There's a reason for that. :beerchug:

I want to touch base individually with a lot of you as well... between diaper changes and such. :poke: I hope I can hang out some now. Maybe when the kids are grown and all I can get a 2030 year model busa and really fit back in. :rofl:

Anyway, great to hear from you all. I'll try not to be a stranger again.
Busa not required, join me and the other groupies here.

Let me tell ya a little secret: enjoy every darn moment you can with those kids because before you know it they'll be going off to college and it will break your heart brother ...
Like I said in the e-mail its great to hear from you, Chris! Tried sending you a message with the only addy that I had and it got sent back. Wish things had worked out better with the ex, but it happens that way sometimes and you have 2 great things to show from it. Stay around so there's someone else to help me pick on Vabs! She's doing everything she can to not let me catch her post count. :laugh:
Busa not required, join me and the other groupies here.

Let me tell ya a little secret: enjoy every darn moment you can with those kids because before you know it they'll be going off to college and it will break your heart brother ...

I know that I've only got a glimpse so far of how fast they grow... but I tell my girl all the time... "You were supposed to be a baby for a while!". She just looks at me like I've lost my marbles and goes back to whatever she was doing. I can only imagine how bad it's going to be when she really does grow up... ???

I am soakin' up every single moment I can in the meantime though. :thumbsup:
hey to all you '03 guys i didnt register back then but i do have an '03 busa didnt get it til march '08 or i would have been on yacken it with you all
Like I said in the e-mail its great to hear from you, Chris! Tried sending you a message with the only addy that I had and it got sent back. Wish things had worked out better with the ex, but it happens that way sometimes and you have 2 great things to show from it. Stay around so there's someone else to help me pick on Vabs! She's doing everything she can to not let me catch her post count. :laugh:

Yeah, I was without internet for a while, bro. That's why your mail bounced. Just got internet again this week actually and had to come check on ya'll. Glad that there's been no tragic news to catch up on so far. I hope that means there wasn't any tragic losses in the family since I left.

And as for post count... Wow! I've fallen somewhat behind it seems! :rofl: