Bloomsburg Bike Fest Aug.15-16


Hey guys I'm having a bike fest/show in Bloomsburg Pa at the fair grounds Aug. 15-16. All bikes are welcome. I hope to have some of you guys show up. I want to see some busa's there to represent. All busa's will be parked together. My busa will be there in front. So come out and hope to see you. Check out the web site Bloom Bike Fest :beerchug:
Hey guys I'm having a bike fest/show in Bloomsburg Pa at the fair grounds Aug. 15-16. All bikes are welcome. I hope to have some of you guys show up. I want to see some busa's there to represent. All busa's will be parked together. My busa will be there in front. So come out and hope to see you. Check out the web site Bloom Bike Fest :beerchug:

I will be there!!!!!!!!:beerchug:
Keep me posted. If I have off work, you can count on me being therewith mine. :thumbsup:
Mapquest says it's 1194 miles for me.......darn it. Sounds like fun. Remember to post pics!
If I'm not working that weekend I'll be there with friends. I'm in upstate NY right now and it's only four hours away and my boss lives there, so a place to stay..
I will most likely be there, gotta line up a few things before I am sure. Props for starting it bud.