Boaz went fast!!!

Guys if he doesn't post pics and vids soon, I'll do it when I get home.  I'm at work right now and can't do it.  He went a best of 10.81 @ 141mph leaving VERY soft.  I'm talking 2.5 or more in the 60'.  Then down track he was blowing the tire off and skating around.  Pretty good for a noob.
does he just have the basic full exh.,air mod. pcIII, stock gearing
Guys if he doesn't post pics and vids soon, I'll do it when I get home.  I'm at work right now and can't do it.  He went a best of 10.81 @ 141mph leaving VERY soft.  I'm talking 2.5 or more in the 60'.  Then down track he was blowing the tire off and skating around.  Pretty good for a noob.
does he just have the basic full exh.,air mod. pcIII, stock gearing
No. The bike is a 1397 big bore, ported head, I think web cams, I'm not sure of the gearing, full Yosh exh. He didn't have the nitrous or air shifter hooked up. He was leaving VERY soft. I'm talking Sunday drive soft. Then he would blow the tire off about half track. He was nervous and new and missed some shifts. But all in all, he did very well for his first time. I'm very confident this bike would run low 9's with a good rider on the motor and 8's with the nawz sauce.
Here is a pic of the "Noodles" machine.

Guys if he doesn't post pics and vids soon, I'll do it when I get home.  I'm at work right now and can't do it.  He went a best of 10.81 @ 141mph leaving VERY soft.  I'm talking 2.5 or more in the 60'.  Then down track he was blowing the tire off and skating around.  Pretty good for a noob.
does he just have the basic full exh.,air mod. pcIII, stock gearing
No.  The bike is a 1397 big bore, ported head, I think web cams, I'm not sure of the gearing, full Yosh exh.  He didn't have the nitrous or air shifter hooked up. He was leaving VERY soft.  I'm talking Sunday drive soft.  Then he would blow the tire off about half track.  He was nervous and new and missed some shifts.  But all in all, he did very well for his first time.  I'm very confident this bike would run low 9's with a good rider on the motor and 8's with the nawz sauce.
he's probably around 210hp then. i dont blame him for being soft off the line
did he strap it?
sounds good i didnt know he was from okla or was he just here for the weekend glad he had a good time
i felt like such a noob on there,, escpecially went you walked me down there and explained to me how the light tree works..
lol, the look on that dude that works theres face , was 'damn, you gonna kill yourself'
Boaz finally got the courage to twist the throttle on his sexy bike at the dragstrip Sunday.  I don't have pics readily available, but I know he does.  Congrats to him for doing it!  He hot lapped that poor bike for 30 minutes!  I felt sorry for his bike and gave it a hug after he was done.  I think he's hooked!!
  It was a nice ride home, other than the wind, and he was feeling pretty froggy!  We'll see what happens later in the year.
thanks for the thread man

great chilly day it turned out... and ya , that wind kicked my A$$ on the way home
and here is my very 1st timeslip ever

notice my perfect reaction time surprized i didnt run in the 5's

Dude, tell me, what's going through your head as you're at the tree, getting the revs up, and getting ready to take off for the first time ? I want to try that. I give you alot of respect !!

and NICE BIKE !! How do you like the 1397 ?