Bogging Down


new plugs done the throttle bodies , took the power commander off and my TRE but still it boggs down in second gear. its only slight but i can feel it any ideas on how to solve the problem? anything i can check
sounds like your 2nd gear is slipping...when you load up 2nd feels like you're losing drive? just fix the same issue on my bike, send the trans out for undercutting.
If it's just 2nd gear, time to take the transmission out.
It was a common problem for gen1s
If it's a Gen I it might be second gear, if it's a Gen II it could be the fuel filter. You're describing what my Gen II did about a year before I replaced the fuel pump.
If it's only in 2nd gear, then the transmission needs undercut.
Any fuel related problems would be happening in every gear.
not sure how to flush the ecu, my regulator went tits up a few weeks ago and the bike just died like if someone had pulled the main fuse could that have damaged the ecu?