boots or tennis shoes, which is safer?

Hhhmmm...I can't believe that I'm actually replying to this thread.
After actually clicking on the thread link,not only do I think the question is a joke,but now that I see you are a 'woman' I realize how you could actually get so many reply's....... Keep it in yer pants boyz..

Shurly you can't be serious...
"And don't call me Shirly".........
I perfer to go shoeless, and just drag my feet when I come to a stop. It tickles my toes.
(BusaWizard @ Sep. 25 2006,18:49) I perfer to go shoeless, and just drag my feet when I come to a stop. It tickles my toes.
Thats a good Idea, it also saves on your Brake pads
(BusaWizard @ Sep. 25 2006,20:49) I perfer to go shoeless, and just drag my feet when I come to a stop. It tickles my toes.
Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it. Fred Flintstone did it for years, and his feet are still in top shape.
(guido4512 @ Sep. 22 2006,06:41)
(Gunnybusa @ Sep. 21 2006,11:55) Don’t listen to all this self righteous crap flip flops are just fine!
flip flops RULE.................

Check out the toes on the pass.

(An oldy but a goody.................)
 Man that is gonna hurt! 

Look at that front wheel folding in!  

I'll bet she never goes out with him again.

(usn04limited @ Sep. 21 2006,08:20) I can't believe that you're asking this question.  Tennis shoes are made for tennis; riding boots are made for riding.  If you boyfriend doesn't think anymore of you than that, you need a new beau.


This was covered in your basic MSF course... wear Boots..Give your ankles and feet a chance if you go down.
I watched a guy go down with a low cut hiking shoe not only did his shoes rip off ,so did his socks ,and his shortie gloves, his pants were down to his ankles his saving grace was his helmet and his leather jacket. Now its boots and full leathers all the time for him. But it scared me more than wrecking myself. The laces also ripped through the eyelets and if he were a cool guy wearing a half helmet he would probly be dead or have a new look to his face. This was at about 60mph and something with his steering head bearings I think they said crystalized.
She will never need another pedicure on that foot the rest of her life......


Thanks for all of the replies. I agree that the boots are safer. Although I was toying with the idea of flip flops and a thong! That picture of the girl with the flip flops is REALLY scary! Peace Out!
(busabitchrider @ Oct. 24 2006,08:45)
Thanks for all of the replies. I agree that the boots are safer. Although I was toying with the idea of flip flops and a thong! That picture of the girl with the flip flops is REALLY scary! Peace Out!
How bout a pic of the flipflop and thong idea!
(usn04limited @ Sep. 21 2006,08:20) I can't believe that you're asking this question.  Tennis shoes are made for tennis; riding boots are made for riding.  If you boyfriend doesn't think anymore of you than that, you need a new beau.
