Border guards sentence commuted

Most people have no idea what those guys are up against... it is usually dark and smugglers very often have sniper support from across the border..

Perfect combination for trouble regardless.. got a guy with a side arm, shot gun and MAYBE an assault rifle up against a guy with a 50cal.. Our guys spend more time running for cover than most..

they (illegals) come across, get zeroed in on and then the sniper from the Mexican side takes on the BP... you going to sneak into our country with your poison, then you should expect to die trying.. Not sure any B.Patrol guys frequent here or not but I am an AZ native and most old time residents can tell you some pretty ugly stories.. sure the "President" is in the back pocket of a third world country... :rofl: a "nice" home in Mx has a corruagated tin roof...
Maybe I am wrong here but wouldn't the smuggerl be considered a fleeing felon at the point he tried to run? I always thaought that was fair game for the LEO to shoot a fleeing felon?

BTW the severed Urethra sounds painful!