Glad I can be free entertainment for the gang here
Hey, I told Bots I had great ammo for him...and I didn't have to make anything up.
Seriously though, it is cool to watch this after so many years. I think I was 7 when they filmed my family; I'll be 42 next month. It's cool to see my old bedroom in the house in CO, my parents together (they divorced decades ago), cool to see my teddy bear that I still have
The film, while very pertinent at the time it was made, is kind of funny to watch now. Rocky Flats has since closed and they've been "cleaning up" the plutonimum storage there for YEARS. You'll never clean it all, but I did drive through the area with my Dad 4+ years ago, and it looks nothing like it did when we lived there. My Mom became such an activist against Rocky Flats, with the help of her filmmaker friends, she eventually realized she was hurting her chances of selling the very home we wanted to leave behind. My Dad hated every single moment of the filmmaking process, and you can see it on his face in some of the shots of my parents packing boxes in the house.
Lots of people rallied against Rocky Flats, and the biggest problem was simply that people looking in to buying land/homes in the area had no idea Rocky Flats even existed. That was eventually changed and any potential buyers in the region had to sign a waiver, acknowledging that they were aware of Rocky Flats and any inherent dangers you may face should you opt to buy there. There are stories from other people that lived in the region that lived close to or even worked for Rocky Flats; high cases of cancers and loss of family members that were being blamed on plutonium in the ground is all a very interesting story if you're ever bored and want to read about Rocky Flats. It is amazing to know such a huge and controversial facility was built and most around didn't have a clue about what was going on there...
My first memory of a concert was at Rocky Flats...I vividly recall being with my parents, outside a huge fence surrounding the facility, and Jackson Browne was singing. Every single time I hear one of his songs, it takes me back to that snapshot of a memory, at an anti-Rocky Flats rally
Sorry, just thought I'd share