Nice looking bike. I rode my friends 06 R1 and it was a different ride. Seemed like I had to work harder to get it to turn. Don't know if it was something with his bike or that's just the way they are.
Snakes...great acquistion to the coral...someone's going to be spending lots of money on track and tiresby the way...if it isn't too much did u cough up for her?
5300. figured it was a decent deal
I'd say !!
I wouldn't be surprised at all, if as time goes by the Busa starts to sit more, and more.
Congrats.. I love my Busa too..
I can ride my Wife's bike any time and I never do unless she wants me to check something on it.. once and a great while ill ride it around the block before we go on a ride.. its more fun after a nice ride.. feels so not right.. huge lack of power and comfort.. Im looking into a newer Gixxer 750-1000 for her or a R1 or R6.. Im sick of my Suzuki sharing a garage with her Kawi..