If they can scan and find that there is a locating device in an area, they may move on to someone else.Sounds like this is what you got. I'm not aware of any better options. And they are on sale. Down to $150 (I just bought one), but you also need a SIM CARD / GSM SERVICE $50/year subscription. The part I'm curious about is whether really professional thieves have countermeasures. Can they scan the bike to see if it's transmitting? Do they have jammers?
Monimoto 7
So... I use an Apple Airtag completely hidden. You would have to take the bike entirely apart to find it and by that time your screwed. Also if they do find it it'll report the last location before power loss.
If you want notifications like I do, you set locations like your house or work and your phone will tell you Hayabusa left home or left work and Hayabusa arrived at home or arrived at work.
Now it doesn't work directly with law enforcement but.... If my bike moves without my permission I think my state of mind would go happy to fetch my bike before law enforcement had a chance to open an investigation.
You may be surprised to learn what this little device can do for the price. Outside of 100 ft it will use other apple users devices to report its location.Reading this, I said to myself that I have to get one.
But look what I have found:
“Apple has not provided details the range of the AirTag, but the maximum Bluetooth range is around 100 meters, so an AirTag should be trackable at least to that distance.”
This is good if you are near your motorcycle, but that is all.
If you are in a holiday, at work, or anywhere else, you won’t find out if your Busa is moving away from its location.
Is this right?
The police told me the issue with Air tags and items like that is that the people taking the bike have apps that scan and pick them up on the bike. I don't want them to know I have tracking. I bought MoniMoto 7 and it works well.Reading this, I said to myself that I have to get one.
But look what I have found:
“Apple has not provided details the range of the AirTag, but the maximum Bluetooth range is around 100 meters, so an AirTag should be trackable at least to that distance.”
This is good if you are near your motorcycle, but that is all.
If you are in a holiday, at work, or anywhere else, you won’t find out if your Busa is moving away from its location.
Is this right?