damn - one (me) should read, precisely, all - lol
and thx to you
so here my answer to the clutch question
yes a 16-18 i have also at my ´00 (i guess)
i guess because when pump got installed and bleeded i felt as if the lever was - for me - too close to the grip when releasing the clutch only a little bit ~ 5-10mm and the clutch started "grabbing".
so i think i "unfortunately" got a 15 dia clutch pump, what then causes that the pumped volume to the slave is not really sufficciant.
to reverse that "unfortunate" feeling i replaced the 38 mm dia slave (´99-´02) by a 36 mm dia slave of the ´03
with full success.
clutch is now dosable at its best and still as easy to pull as a 10 year old child would be able to pull the lever fully although stronger springs are built in the "basket".