Yes,(frisbee @ Sep. 28 2006,13:38) Hey 2fast4u2c, Hows your bike doing ? Did you sell it?
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Yes, you do. John ran on the APS/F 1650 record of 211 and ran the 214 to beat it and get into the club. John beat a Tiger Racing record with the Tiger and him on board as the new owner of the bike.(h82bbad @ Oct. 01 2006,06:31)
I thought that class was closed? BTW congrads on the record!(2fast4u2c @ Oct. 01 2006,16:10)Yes, you do. John ran on the APS/F 1650 record of 211 and ran the 214 to beat it and get into the club. John beat a Tiger Racing record with the Tiger and him on board as the new owner of the bike.(h82bbad @ Oct. 01 2006,06:31)
TRUE, but......(tjdobb @ Oct. 01 2006,12:49) According to the Oct. Sport Rider it would take 202.4 HP for the ZX 13.5 too reach 200 MPH. So I really dont think all the mods are listed. I would bet there are a few more tricks under the tank. In theory, the Hayabusa is still the fastest top speed STOCK production motorcycle produced to date. " A lot of things have changed since our 2001 test, but in the rarified world of high-triple-digit speeds, Suzuki's Hayabusa still reigns supreme. "
So there you have it. Read it and weep ZX 13.5 riders!!!!
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well?(h82bbad @ Oct. 07 2006,21:20)I thought that class was closed? BTW congrads on the record!(2fast4u2c @ Oct. 01 2006,16:10)Yes, you do. John ran on the APS/F 1650 record of 211 and ran the 214 to beat it and get into the club. John beat a Tiger Racing record with the Tiger and him on board as the new owner of the bike.(h82bbad @ Oct. 01 2006,06:31)
Free? Everyone wants it for free. I wish I could get some free time over there myself. But if you really look at the potential a few hours in the tunnel costs about as much as a nice exhaust system that yields what 8-10hp?(Got-Busa? @ Oct. 12 2006,07:38) Don,
Thanks for the info and clarification....
I wish I could get some free time in the wind tunnel to play and try some things.
I could appriciate all your theoretical knowledge, unfortunately theory only goes so far in the real world. It takes alot to get even a well worked bike with more than 202hp past 200mph.(tjdobb @ Oct. 08 2006,15:03) Well mathmatics dont lie, and yes they are all theretical #'s but they are factual. With the same riders on the bikes and at the same track, same riding conditions, the Busa should run faster according to the CD tests. Put a 18 tooth front sprocket on a busa and see what the top end will be! By changing the gearing you are not running a stock machine. Compare apples to apples or dont compare at all!
I'll believe Guy. If the bike was sprayed, it would have been told a long time ago.(mountainmotor @ Oct. 27 2006,16:54) I just read this on the other Busa site . This guy is a turbo Busa owner and ........... so ,nitrous and other mods huh ?
I was at Maxton when this happened and it wasn't Brock that rode it to was a jockey! Yep, he had a professional rider who probably weighed all of 120lbs hit 200 after about 20-30 passes! Also, it wasn't stock! Brock had nitrous, an LM-1, and other big money mods done to that bike!