Brook clutch mod, what is it?


What is the clutch mod I've read about, and is it available in the UK?

I hate my clutch, fast starts are impossible, the clutch has no feel and when it bites (biting point is all over the place) it grabs and causes a stall, wheelspin or wheelies depending on revs.

It's bloody dangerous and Suzuki will not admit to a problem or even investigate.

PS (of course I mean Brock not Brook!)

[This message has been edited by DangerMouse (edited 27 January 2000).]
There is nothing wrong with your clutch it was made by Suzuki that way to prevent back wheel hop or lock up on deaccel.

It sounds like what you need is the mod
I would highly recommend Brocks' clutch mod.
and no other it is worth the money.PERIOD>
To do this mod do you need to send anything to Brock first? obviously I'm in England so it's not easy! or is it an off the shelf mod that I can fit?

Also is there a website or email address so that I may contact the Brock place/guy.
I saw his e-mail somewhere do a serach.
everthing you need is in the kit.I do recommend soaking your clutch fiber plates in oil overnight before installing them.
Just tried to order the mod off Schnitz's Website, however the "checkout" page wasn't a secure page (IMHO) and it didn't enable SSL, so I bottled it.

Damn shame, I need that mod!!

Yeah I was thinking of taking my clutch plates out to soak them anyway to see if that helps as they don't run in the oil on a Busa.
johnnycheese, why do you recomend soaking the plates? you don't even have to take them out of the basket. just pop off the nut and pull out the inner and outer, then weld them together. make sure it is perfectly center though. its easy with feelers gauges.
the clutch plate on all the newer bikes no longer run in a oil bath persay.
so if you soak them they will not harden up as fast and stay more plyable. I think that is the word I am looking for.Of course this is old school but it works.
Ahhh, but this way we know it's being done correctly. If I remember right, a member tried this himself and things got messy.
as long as you have a special jig and someone who KNOWS what they are DOING.
fine I had mine done by someone I trust and he said NEVER was not worth the time to do it right that is.
buy the piece.
I agree with JC. I look at it as money WELL spent!! You also have to remember design/engineering time spent on it....

Yea i agree, the price of 3 feelers gauges are very expensive.(NOT)
i had someone do mine and had no problem with it at all. he said he cant believe that someone gets almost $200 for this.