Brook clutch mod, what is it?

I'd have to agree that it is money well spent...What else can you buy for under $200.00 that has a lifetime warranty!?!?

Do you really think that the PC your typing on cost $2K to build? Think again, about a couple hundred bucks tops, Why? Because they rolled the engineering costs into the manufacturing costs.

Why does it costs hundreds of dollars to buy an aftermarket performance chip for a car or truck? The blank device only cost $2, and burning it is pennies. It's the develoment time.

It is always soooo easy to copy someone elses idea.......

Yeah I guess most of us have probally bought helmets in this group!?!? I don't think to many of them are lifetime warranty or cost under $200.00! (Unless you buy a cheap a** helmet, not a Shoei or Arai)
DaveO, you got a point about the r&d, i'll give you that. And yes you are right about the part about copying the mod being easy. But if people seen the mod before they ordered it then they probably wouldn't, they would do it themselves.

gsxrboy, I have an RF800 and paid $230 for it.Yea it wasn't the $200 i said but it was darn close. But it COULD be a lifetime warranty. TRUE?