Not a thing, I emailed them in August '17 and didn't get a reply so going to try once more and if no resolution I'm going to contact the UK Ministry Of Transport to get them to look into whether these wheels should be approved for road use (I'm going to put that in the email to BST as well)
Email from BST yesterday 27th Sept 2017
Thank you for getting in touch, upon receiving your email, serial numbers and photos in June I forwarded it onto Giles and Ben from HPS (our distributor in the UK) from whom you bought your wheels and I know that they have been in contact with you and confirmed that a replacement wheel was ordered.
We are very confident in HPS’s ability to deal with the situation and I am positive that Giles and Ben have discussed the safety aspects with you and trust that you have already received your replacement wheel.
My response
Hi Charmaine and yes I did get a replacement wheel (at a the cost price of approx £800.00) but the reason I contacted you was that I'm more concerned about the safety aspects of the BST wheels on UK roads especially with having so many potholes here.
As I explained I was going round a busy motorway roundabout so at a low speed when I hit the shallow pothole and didn't realise the damage that had been caused until I got home and was cleaning the bike.
If a shallow pothole and low speed caused so much damage I dread to think what would have happened had I hit a deeper pothole at a higher speed, the result could have been catastrophic.
I'm so concerned that I am considering contacting the Ministry of Transport here to have Carbon wheels (not just yours) properly tested for suitability on UK roads.
BST's reply this morning 28th Sept 2017.
In answer to your concerns for safety BST wheels are the most rigorously tested carbon wheels in the world and they meet and exceed the test criteria which are applied to aluminium and any other metal / alloy wheels. Testing is done as per the JWL impact standards and applicable to rotational, torsional and cornering tests. It may help you to know that we are able to do all of these tests on a single wheel, while the law allows for 1 wheel per test. It’s impossible to say what actually happened to your wheel. There are many instances that have proven the strength of our wheels.
My reply this morning.
Thank you for your reply.
I'm sure they are rigorously tested but if you look at various bike forums around the world there are many instances of failure so I'm still concerned, so I will be approaching the UK ministry of Transport about them with the pictures of my wheel.
My next step is to indeed approach the UK Ministry of Transport in the near future so we will see what, if anything, comes of that. I will as always keep you posted.
Here's a reminder of the damage caused to the wheel.