Perhaps you can initiate a change to the global definition, I would say it's a fairly new definition in the books and perhaps not well thought out.Fine. It’s inaccurate and should be amended. The wording is key. In accepting that gays are naturally attracted to members of their own sex, one accepts that gays are normal people that aspire, love and hurt just like anyone else. That’s what homophobes are afraid of. Giving up that hatred or maybe I should say buffer between them and gay people. As far as society has come in acceptance, it still has a way to go.
There is quite a bit of hatred towards many things in this day and age....look at how politically, religiously and morally divided people are...I've personally never seen so much division here in Canada....which is in part from a large spill over from the US.
I personally find the gay community is trying too hard to be different and not integrating into society...this in itself makes them a target for the hate groups.
Here in Canada they have all the same rights and freedoms as any other person yet still seem to need some sort of validation....when I say "they" I'm talking about the masses not individuals....I know several individuals that live their lives just like anyone else, they don't fly rainbow flags or participate in parades nor do they acknowledge "pride month" a couple of them have said to me that trying to be different, makes them different.