Buell footpegs installed

I appreciated the info so much I put a set on mine also!!

Imitation after all IS the sincerest form of flattery...

These are a great improvement over stock- I've been practicing hanging off in cornering and these do NOT allow your boots to slip on the pegs. I have tried to slide my boot around with my weight on the peg and the pegs just bite into the sole and it does not move a millimeter! Good design, and my God does it look so much better than the stock chunky clunky boat anchor!! That was some good dead weight to lose!

do the comp werkes pegs give you more room than stock pegs or are they positioned at the same height? if gixxer 1k pegs lower pegs buy 1.5 " why go thru all the work with buell pegs?? i'm looking foir the the easiest way to lower foot rest for long haul's. whick year gxxier 1k pegs work and which bushings do you use??
(busabbad @ Nov. 25 2006,03:36)

do the comp werkes pegs give you more room than stock pegs or are they positioned at the same height? if gixxer 1k pegs lower pegs buy 1.5 " why go thru all the work with buell pegs?? i'm looking foir the the easiest way to lower foot rest for long haul's. whick year gxxier 1k pegs work and which bushings do you use??
Gixxer 1k and TL1000 pegs are at the same angle as stock. The 1k pegs have no rubber inserts, the TL has the same rubber as the passenger pegs. The only lowering of the positiion is less rubber than stock which is about 3/4 in. The Buell pegs shape actually lowers your foot height and has no rubber. It's a little work to get them to fit but being lower feels really good.
i was going to shoot for the buell pegs originially, but i opted for the TL pegs because they give you a bit of rubber to absorb some vibe! there also an easy install and give the bike a better look than stock.
(Schism @ Nov. 25 2006,10:32) i was going to shoot for the buell pegs originially, but i opted for the TL pegs because they give you a bit of rubber to absorb some vibe! there also an easy install and give the bike a better look than stock.
Even with the Buell's, I've NEVER noticed vibration in my feet. I'm sure it exists, but by the time it goes through the rubber sole of my boots and the thick socks I wear, I don't feel enough to pay any attention to it.
Just did the Buell install on my 03. It didn't feel great until I adjusted the shifter and rear brake lever heights. Now it is W O N D E R F U L !!!!. The angle change the Buell makes to your foot is the big difference. My bike is starting to really fit my 6'6" frame better and better now. Next I will do risers but now I don't need but maybe an inch. The Tobin seat was the best money spent for a comfort mod.
Just did the Buell install on my 03. It didn't feel great until I adjusted the shifter and rear brake lever heights. Now it is W O N D E R F U L !!!!. The angle change the Buell makes to your foot is the big difference. My bike is starting to really fit my 6'6" frame better and better now. Next I will do risers but now I don't need but maybe an inch. The Tobin seat was the best money spent for a comfort mod.
Just got the buell footpegs after visiting my local HD dealer. Does anyone know where I can get the GM bushings? Or, is it possible to use the original bushings found on the stock footpegs?
Very nice! Don't know if I'll go with the Buell pegs myself (I'm lazy) but....

At 6'3" tall w/ a size 14 boot, should I go with the TL pegs, Vortek or the GSX1000R pegs?

From what I've found searching the forums, any year TL will work.  I read that the springs from the Busa can be re-used with no issues.  We'll see once the parts come in.  I'll report back.

I just placed an order for pegs off of a 2003 TL1kR along with the sleeves & feelers from BikeBandit.com

Items # 7, 8, 10 and 13.  Two of each.

Here's where I ordered them from:

Scroll down.

I'll let you know how they fit once they've arrived and been mounted.  I'll throw up some pics as well.
I just got thru installing the buell pegs on my 06. I got on and just sat there and thought what an incredible difference. I cant wait to ride it ( I am at work and did the mod here so I could use the grinder to make the pegs fit.) For the person who asked you can get the bushings at murrey or auto zone, etc. The whole thing didnt run me more than $30. And you will need two packs of bushings for a total of 4. Also I found it good to ground down the top bushing.
I used 1K pegs. I did it a little different. I used clear tubing. It's 1/4 or 5/16 fuel line, about 11/4" long for the bushing. no vib problem at all. 2nd season almost no wear on the tubing either. I'll check when i get home in the morning for the size I used.