Bullshite posters on tensioners

i believe there are riders in here with tensioner failures. but i also believe there are people in here jumping on the opportunity to sell their product. And it's good people are finally submitting failures of any kind to NHTSA!!!

only in america!!!!!

big papa

[This message has been edited by big papa (edited 27 July 2000).]
This is the best place for real info than any other place. Where else can you get real testimonies from real people about the Busa. When I bought mine, I told the dealer about the recall and he looked at me like I was from Mars.If people here have gone thru more than one tensioner(me included), why would any one put anything else in the bike but a manual one. Even if the odds are 5 in 10K, when you are one of those 5, life sucks!!!!
The design department was a bit busy at Suzuki. So they assigned one guy to design 3 things: 1) the fuel filters; 2) the cam chain tensioner; 3) the rear subframe.

Considering he was a civil engineer he did a pretty good job.

There is alot of good knowledge on this website. Sure, things can get exaggerated on the web. But I have learned way more about my bike here than I could have some other way.
2 failures, 2 completely free rebuilds/repairs from Suzuki, no hassle. 1 failure complete with mashed valves, pistons , head damage etc - no engine siezure. other failure just engine noise and a little damage . Big apology letter and free extended warrenty from the dealership. I now get the tensioner replaced same time as I have oil + plugs changed - at my cost. This is just because I like to keep riding and not wait for repairs - after all the part is cheap to purchase and just takes 10 minutes to install.

Am I for real or just a bs poster ??
Anyone who doubts my failure can call Damen Riddle from American Suzuki.

Phone # 714-572-1490
Case call #15807

Im sure he would be able to verify any info as to cam chain tensioner failures.
Yes, I maybe a new member but I bought my '99 black busa last October. I put 4000 miles on it and the second tensioner went. Just because I am a new member does not mean I am not a real busa owner. I am not afraid of who I am, so you can give my stats to whomever you want. I have been in a lot of life threatening situations in my life, it takes a little more than you to startle me!
I have said this before...

Suzuki is not going to know of any problems if people put in manual ones and never go to a dealer to verify there is a problem.

As far as the US goverment they need the info from Suzuki and there is very few that have gone south.

I know that Dazee is for real
How's the repair comming with the body?
Dazee ....
The 2'nd time your Busa got the "Tensioner
adjustment problem", did it broke down
completely or did you just took it to the
"Doctor" when you heard some ticking noise ?

What exactly did they replace ?

Sign Curious
JC the replacement A-Tech parts should be ready for fitting next week plus another new Kenz screen. I hope the new A-Tech upper is not the same pre-production as before and has some fixings for the inner cowlings.

Very minor damage on the second tensioner failure, the length of time it was away was due to Suzuki doing a wonderful job of replacing all bearings/seals then balancing and tuning. Basically they striped and rebuilt the whole engine.

Now I am very happy again with the bike, even having to remove all front A-Tech cowlings to replace a headlamp bulb isn't so bad !
Stu I have filled a Vehical owners Questionnaire NHTSA. My ODI# IS 726150. And have had my legal Dept. send out a complaint to Suzuki. Don't know what the rest of the people are doing about the tentioner problem but I am not just going to let my $11,000 go down easily with out some response from Suzuki. Now I just have to wait to see how I am going to mount my Ti Force pipe PC2 and block off plates on this danm poster.

Send the TiForce, PC2, and blockoffs to me!!

I'll put them on my Busa, take a picture, have a poster made and send it to ya...Free of charge!! LOL... good one.

I said it before and I will say it again...seems like everytime someone post a problem with a busa it is like a contagious disease ....do a search on fuel lines..someone posted that theirs came off them all of a sudden there was a rash of them coming off. I did not do a profile "looksee" on any of the post about the fuel lines but it would be interesting if one had the time.

[This message has been edited by falcon fool (edited 28 July 2000).]
Rhinoracin, congrats on your initiative. Well done.

Letters to the manufacturers/government really help.

I am trying to pursue the subframe issue but haven't exhausted all avenues. (Just getting started truth be told.)