How many drinks had you had before this pic?answer:why the heck you in the water? going to get spots all over the paint work..
look at the all "Graded" to drain...i had enough common sense and experience that i knew there was only one level place to control the rear wheel whislt the bottom...near the drain...and it just happened to be wet's an older "Non-Wet" pic for you...
i.e.: it wasn't like i "needed the water"
thank you for your support Mr. B!booozer....
besides, if the airline pilot that took me to Daytona had drinks before takeoff, I should too..
So check your body wieght,then count actual drinks consumed according to chart.You drank three doubles then did some riding on your busa?
yeah...thanks...i'm fairly certain i already have it but if ya don't mind? it to me for just in case...Thanks!Gixerhp should be in Daytona today... he called last night and was rockin and rollin towards town.. need his #?
Helpful Hint For Burn-Out Pix:I go through rear tire fast enough without doing burnouts, so no big smokey pics from me.