Busa As A First Street Bike For A Girl?


Okay, here's the deal.

I have a young friend who is very dear to me and wants a bike. She's ridden a little and plans to take the motorcycle course and get her license before she buys a bike.

She absolutely LOVES the r6, but she also likes my busa.

She's only 5'6" or so, but very strong, so the weight would be no problem, although the dealer would probably have to lower the height a couple of inches.

Personally, for all it's power, I think the busa is a better first bike than the r6. In fact, under 5k it's one of the friendliest bikes I've ever ridden.

And before you start suggesting smaller bikes other than the r6. forget it. This is one girl who won't settle for anything less than too bloody much!
that is one of the dumbest ideas i have heard... even the r6 will have plenty of torque and power that she will never even get close to using
all bikes will kill you including a scooter. it's all in your head and wrist. i think the busa is a wonderful bike and way more forgiving than any other bike i've ridden. i'm 5'5" and 130lbs. dude i'm little. most times i feel more theaten on my vespa 50 and my R1 than ever on my busa. this is my 2 cent. i went from a CBR600f3 to the busa. if she's got her head on right why not. maybe ridding a bike with so much power avialble will actually keep her riding properly.
My wife bought a Gixxer 600 the same day I bought my busa. She had only ridden on the back of our other bikes a handful of time. On our street I taught her how to ride and she is in love with it. She is 5'3" 120 lb and the bike was perfect for her to learn on even though I wanted her to get something less aggresive. She will never out grow this bike and the best advice I read about the "smaller" bikes was just change the sprockets when you want a little more out of your bike most people don't need more top end anyways. I am all fro girls going all out (thats one thing I love about my wife) but when I hop on my bike after messing around on hers I always tell myself the the Busa is rediculous how powerful it is (which I LOVE. I just think it would be a crazy choice for a first bike and I would think a smaller more flickable bike would be a funner one to learn on. Sorry about the long reply!

P.S.It doesn't matter what I think she needs to be comfortable and happy with her choice!
Good question man, Honestly I would go with an R6 or GSXR-600... If she's that good of a friend then let her ride your Busa after she gets the hang of the 600's. God Speed on your decision.

But as stated before, They only go as fast as you make them...:cool:
I think the Hayabusa is a teriffic all-around motorcycle. It handles well and is quite tractable. As has been stated before: The rider controls the bike-not the other way around, and if your friend is sensible and disciplined, it should be a good bike for her.
Okay, here's the deal.

I have a young friend who is very dear to me and wants a bike. She's ridden a little and plans to take the motorcycle course and get her license before she buys a bike.

She absolutely LOVES the r6, but she also likes my busa.

She's only 5'6" or so, but very strong, so the weight would be no problem, although the dealer would probably have to lower the height a couple of inches.

Personally, for all it's power, I think the busa is a better first bike than the r6. In fact, under 5k it's one of the friendliest bikes I've ever ridden.

And before you start suggesting smaller bikes other than the r6. forget it. This is one girl who won't settle for anything less than too bloody much!
Critterdoc,if this is the first time she's been riding in the street,go for the smaller bike,after she get some miles under her belt,let her use your busa
,and if she's comfortable with that
let her buy yours,and then you can buy a new one

The weight of the Busa makes it a bad choice for her IMHO

If she wants power and speed and can handle that aspect of it the 600-1000's do it with allot less weight.

If I was 5'-6" I would be on a liter but at 6'3" 213# I fit better on the Busa. Now if I can just afford to strip some more weight off this bike....
Ok critter, the MAIN thing is that SHE is comfortbale, the most comfortable fo rher choice it doesnt really matter as long as...
1. She has her head on right about the bike she chooses
2. Wears the RIGHT gear
3. Someone takes the time to teach her about these bikes with patience and support

Eveentually she will find her way to what she likes most, but she needs the support in learning to handle sportbikes period after that it's just a matter of personal taste and comfort. I support whatever you and her decide, please welcome her to the community for us and look out for her
Mrs. Lycan wants a sportbike now, she is one hell of a Hardley rider so I feel comfortable about showing her the sportbike world, she is currently torn between the Gixxer 600 or the 1000 but don't get me wrong, if she COULD reach the ground on it I BET she would make me buy her a Busa did I mention my wife rocks? Cause she does

I started on a GSXR-600. Great bike. It had all the down low power a noobie could ask for, and it's top end was ridiculous. I did not out grow that bike. I tried to ride the wheels off it. I was close to 15k miles on it in 2 years and still loved riding it every day.

In comparison to the Busa it was a much better beginner bike. It allowed me to learn a bit more. A bit quicker. Yeah the Busa will out run it, and the Busa is a sexy beast, but that 600 was a blast. Even you search around this board you will find several people who have a Busa cause they love em, and a 600-1000 because they preform so well all around. The modern 600-1000 are so amazing, you aren't really losing much performance wise.

The only reason I moved on from my 600 when I did - someone stole and totaled it. Or I might still be on it rockin around

The Busa is a great bike, but don't let her miss out on those just because she likes yours.
I have only been riding for one year.
Im 44 yrs old and went from a 2007 ZZR-600 kawasaki to a 2008 busa.

Im 6'2 215 lbs and think the busa is way more easier to handle than my kawi 600. I feel more safer on my busa also.

Be sure to get frame sliders, they saved me once about a week after i got my 08 busa, i forgot to put the kickstand down about four months back, not a scratch, the frame sliders did ther job well.

The Busa is a terrible first bike, especially for a smaller-framed person. It's not about the power, it's about the size and weight of a bike. If your first bike is large and unwieldy like the Busa, you'll never (or very very slowly) learn proper bike control - only how to wrestle it into just barely not wrecking. Learn on a smaller bike first and get a good feel for how to handle the bike, and then jump up to something bigger. In my opinion...
Busa as a beginners bike? :disagree: at many levels...

SV650 Twin or similar... I do not thing the 600CC sport bikes are all that much better... Learning to ride a bike requires learning the "instincts" of riding.. On a bike that runs triple digits in a moment of indiscretion? suicide..

And it is an odds on favorite she is going to drop/dump the bike in the first 30 days (90% of all new riders do)

anyway old debate, no one ever changes their minds.. (although there have been some that wish they could)

Cheers and buy good insurance..
I got my wife a 08 Busa for her birthday. Her FIRST motorcycle. Yes, she has taken riding courses. She's 5'8". The bike was alittle tall for her, so I got a Gen Mar 1 3/4 riser on the front and Ajustable lowering links for the rear, and lowered the bike for her, also some frame sliders. Has she dropped the bike, Yes.(In front of a car wash, stopped, standing in wet car wax, doing the ole slow slip drop on her left side. In front of the sushi joint trying to back the bike into a parking spot, another slow slip on the left) Was she imbarrassed, Yes. Has she learned, you bet. Anyone out there that says they have never droped a bike, is a liar, and if you haven't, trust me you will, just a matter of time. The 08 Busa can a Caddy if you want, or a Screemer if you want. The Gen 2 is head and shoulders above anyother Busa (I own a Highly Modified 01) Its refined and the brakes, (don't even get me going about that) are superb! The Stock exhaust will have to go (to quiet, and to heavy,38 lbs. Brock Davidson to the rescue) Soooo, yeah get the 08 Busa. Remember, its who's twisting the grip that defines a Squid.