Busa As A First Street Bike For A Girl?

I really appreciate all the input gentlemen (although I hoped to hear more from some ladies).

She's settled on the gsxr600 I think.

In white if you can believe that!


you may have to lower it a little for her but I think she'll be very happy with it.

post us some pics of her and the bike when she gets it:thumbsup:
Busa as a beginners bike? :disagree: at many levels...

SV650 Twin or similar... I do not thing the 600CC sport bikes are all that much better... Learning to ride a bike requires learning the "instincts" of riding.. On a bike that runs triple digits in a moment of indiscretion? suicide..

And it is an odds on favorite she is going to drop/dump the bike in the first 30 days (90% of all new riders do)

anyway old debate, no one ever changes their minds.. (although there have been some that wish they could)

Cheers and buy good insurance..

I'm with Biscuit on this one. But she's gonna do what she wants to do, all you can do is let her ride your Busa (if you trust her that much) and see if she's into it. For a rider that new to the street and a Busa as 1st bike (I don't care how big or small you are), it still is A LOT OF MOTORCYCLE. yeah, she's tame in the low to lower mid-range. Open her up and it's a brand new ball game. And it's complete bulls**t when someone sez they'll just do speed limit, maybe 5 or 10 over at most. yeah right!!! 1st opportunity with straight stretch of road, it's WFO. But that's not where most noob mistakes happen, it's usually intersecton related at lower speeds involving cagers, or corners involving some skill but target fixation got in the way. Also improper braking technique such as mashing the rear (or even the front) in panic situations.

I'd tell her to get a smaller bike, not so much b/c of the "power" but because she'll learn INVALUABLE bike control, cornering and manuevering skills that WILL prove to be a lifesaver if/when she ever comes across that situation on the street.
I really appreciate all the input gentlemen (although I hoped to hear more from some ladies).

She's settled on the gsxr600 I think.

In white if you can believe that!

Just saw this post. Good choice!
Now tell her to have the suspension set up/resprung for her weight, b/c most gixxers for HER WEIGHT (if she weighs < 140 lbs, or even > 160) will be sprung on the slightly stiff side, which will make it handle a bit poorly.
How about a 250 pd woman as a first date? :thumbsup:

well your on to something here but you don't have it just quite right

You don't pick up a 250 pound chick before or on your first beer

At your first beer when your just begining your start on something a lil lighter something in the are of 100-125 cause you still wanna be able to toss them around corners and wanna make sure your able to handle them

After about 5-7 beers your able to clearly see how you can handle something with a lil more weight and more power it may take a lil more effort but you can handle it then

After 12 you think you can take on teh world the 250 doesnt seem that bad and you definitely have the capability to handle it then!