Busa bash


only 03 limited in the group. It sounded great. Hooken203 and his awesome looking black bike. It had a kanji painted on the front fender that looked great.

Brian ( ZUKRACER ) and Jen at CROT. Good to see ya again Brian and nice to meet you Jen. Brian, the shirts were great, THANKS.

I took one of Halie in black and white. We were on our way home. We had a really great time riding and meeting everyone. I cant believe its over already. I hope everyone made it home ok and I hope everyone that couldnt make this trip has enjoyed the pics.
I did not have a pic of Bob, ( Learjett ) thought I did. He lives in Chattanooga and is a great guy. Bob, post some of your pics here and I will call ya soon.

Thats all I have .

Tim and Halie
