busa bikini fairing


found this pic whilst surfing ........

I think it is interesting. But perhaps needs a little more "dressing up." The few hoses and wires that are visible need to be rerouted or made from something more attractive. Like the radiator hose on the right side -- would look better if it were braided stainless steel or something.
I kind of like the naked bike look but a Busa is not a real good candidate unless you dress up the hoses and such. And really the motor is not much to look at in stock form either. Suzuki had no intention of it looking pretty as it was to be covered. It would need a lot of blinging up before it would look nice IMHO. Interesting though.

And why the hell is it parked on a leaf covered hill? Strange.

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doesn't look too bad but I prefer the full fairing look over that.
I think it's an aftermarket part and not a 'cut' job although the web site I got it from is in chinese so who knows .:;):
Only 5 more weeks of winter here in the UK before I can get my Busa back out - can't wait.