Busa Centre Stand

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Well, it is installed, did not change the look of the bike much, but the bottom plastic did have to come off.

The only thing I noticed was two new surface scratches, good thing I am planning on painting it another color soon or I would have been pissed.

Has suzuki ever heard of clear coat?????
Maybe I should explain furthur. It would make much more sense to clearcoat after the decals are put on. That way they do not peel and cannot be stripped off easily.

All I am gonna do is paint it a cool color, not that the blue/silver is not cool and put custom decals on it and then clearcoat. Should look great!!(that is until I drop it again).
Ok Mano! Now i am standing on the fence thinking... Mano is right too! and I am repainting it a custom color, If the decals were clear-coated, it would not be fun to sand off.....lol

I think I lept to your side of the fence dude
I know I am losing some power, but the busa has more than enough to spare.... The extra weight however, I do mind... Since I consider the bike heavy now. I plan on doing some mods which hopefully will bring the weight down a little.

At least I can now clean my back wheel and lube the chain.

Plus I feel a whole lot safer when I park it.

[This message has been edited by adowell (edited 10 July 2000).]
How hard is it to put on the center stand? What does it all entale to put it on?
Do you have any clearence problems after you installed it?

Thanks for any help
Bird of Prey
I just installed mine but haven't ridden it in twisties yet. The stand comes with good installation instructions. It also comes with different bank indicators (curb feelers) which implies that it must reduce cornering clearance a little. You will need a swingarm stand to support the bike while you're working on it. To summarize the installation: remove lower fairing pieces remove rear underbody section and its mounting bracket, remove radiator attachment bolts (you don't need to pull the radiator, but be careful because it's easy to bend the fins), drop the exhaust system then install the parts.

I'm still running stock pipes, but I'm hoping that with a 4-1 header the stand will be removable without dropping the exhaust system since the left side tail pipe appears to cause all the installation interference.
As far as hosting it up on the centre stand. With you foot on the, pull handle bars all the way to your left.

A nice hefty pull up and back, usually puts it on the stand right away. You can either use the passenger grab handle in the rear (if it is setup for two-up riding)or the handle inside the left rear fairing to hoist it with.

[This message has been edited by adowell (edited 10 July 2000).]
You don't need the passenger grab rail to put it on the center stand. You know those holes in the underside of the tail section that look like they're just for style? There's a real handy piece of subframe in there to wrap your fingers around and it's in a good location for balance :)

I was just out looking at the holes a few minutes ago wondering if you could do it that way. I was going to ask you, but you got here before I did...... The right side is covered and the left side has a handle inside of it for lifting the bike.

Duh to me


[This message has been edited by adowell (edited 09 July 2000).]

You don't need to remove rad, oil cooler or exhaust system

JC posted, a while back, how to do it without

I fitted mine this weekend as he sugested and it takes 25 minutes!

Easy peasy lemon squeesy

I'll find the post for you.....

Stand By Nuts :wink: