Spinning Hayabusa on kickstand/centre stand

I know what your saying, the issue was not to spin the bike by a lot, just enough to ride out well. The road surface was more slanted in towards the curb etc. This is in the UK.

This is my old 2005, its a purple and black underneath, had it carbon fibre wrapped.

Been thinking about doing this for awhile. Was any adhesive remover used? I've tried wrapping my dash panels and had some spots come loose even with the 3 adhesive promoter. Nice bike by the way!
The adhesive that came with the wrap is pretty good, even if you were to grab a bit of the 3M wrap and start pealing, it would cause zero damage to the original paintwork underneath.

I've met a few people who also put on completely clear 3M wrap in an effort to protect the original paintwork.
It holds up very well, the wrap is more malleable so it can take a little road abuse, as far as stone chips from riding etc. What would have become a potential chip in the paint was a dent on the 3M wrap that was very hard to notice unless you actually got close and went looking for them. Held up very well for me.
Thought i'd add images of the new Stealth RZ.
Thinking of installing a centre stand too. Heard that it causes problem with ground clearance, although many also equally say it don't matter as much for street riding at least.

Anyway, thought i'd share the pictures with you guys.

(Sorry, i don't know how to rotate these images to get them straight)



Im a squid, she's a squid, we're all a squid squid

Think I got a little tune going in my head...either that or thinking of a theme for a MA rated video