Busa Feeling SLOWER?!?


Ive owned my busa for a lil over 2 wks now and have put almost 500 miles on her... It feels like the bike has gotten slower and lost power? The only thing I have done is change the oil, and clean the air filter. My bike has 4000 miles on it and I used Suzuki performance Motor oil.
To all of you veteran busa owners, did your busa feel slower after a few weeks? Did you get use to the power and feel more comfortable or something? This might sound like a wierd question and I might be losing my mind, but It really seems like my bike is Slower then 500 miles ago and since Ive changed the Oil.. I guess the only way to really find out is going to the strip and seeN what she does, but dunno because I never brought it there bfore. Cya
You know, I thought it was just me but last week I got my bike back from the shop after it's first oil change and had the same feeling. Is that normal?
!!! Finnally another person with tha same wierd experience!
I dunno but it definitely feel like it has less power! of course it might be just me. How many miles on ur bike tobiato, 600? Anyone else have this happen to them?
I have had mine for 4 months now and it does feel slower, but I am just used to the power. Perhaps the oil change made the bike slightly quieter and therefore you just think it is slower?
I just turned 1,000 miles. I'm telling you that it has lost power and is not as smooth running. Not by much, but enough that I've noticed it. I followed the stupid breakin period to a tee. ( Damn, was that tough!) I noticed the loss in power on the way home from the shop. What do they do during the 1st service visit?
I'll tell ya my bike feels slower, but it's because I'm used to it now.

Dyno the bike, that always avoids any confusion

This is going to sound dumb but if you've never dynoed the bike before, how will you know that it's lost a small amount of power?
It is probably that you are used to the power now, BUT it could be that the Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) is out of adjustment? Mine was. And now it running better.

Unless your Suzuki mechanic is better than the rest, your first 600 mile service was just a $150 oil change. They probabaly didn't get into the tuning of the bike at all.

I would bet that the bike is not slower, you are just faster.
When I ride my Busa a lot, it starts to feel slow. When I haven't riden it in a while, it feels crazy fast. It's all in the mind

If all the oil is not drained out of the bike and you put in the amount you should. Then there will be a HIGH OIL LEVEL and your CRANK will have to SPIN thru it and that will SLOW you down.
If a shop does the service then im sure they dont wait until ALL the OIL comes out because they are on the clock and alway's in a rush.
This is going to sound dumb but if you've never dynoed the bike before, how will you know that it's lost a small amount of power?
Well if you never dyno'd the bike before its ok, it should be putting out between 155-160 rear wheel hp. That is the figure reported by Motorcyclist magazine. Guys am I correct in my range? I have never dyno'd my bike but I doubt I would get that much power being at 5,600 feet in altitude. Following the break in as susggested by Suzuki is another debate that has been going on around here. That the first 20-30 miles are all that it takes for newer engines to seat properly. But then again who really knows.
sometimes the weather changes a bikes preformance , cool spring days make for better carburation ....hot humid weather can make the bike feel kinda sluggish.......belive it or not.
When I ride my Busa a lot, it starts to feel slow.  When I haven't riden it in a while, it feels crazy fast.  It's all in the mind
Well Ill check every possible problem like too much oil, but it has been VERY humid around here lately also....  Seems like most of you have said that it feels slower when you get use to it, so im starting to think thats my prob.  Actually I let a buddy that has rode alot of dragbikes in his day ride my busa yesterday.... He about poop his pants when he rode it up the street and back a few times.  He was amazed of the power it has.  It actually shook him up a lil! I was laughing at him. hehe After that and what most of you have said, It must be all in the MIND! Thanks for all of the help and info tho. cya all.
yeah, manz

My busa is starting to feel slow after a month riding. Thought there was a problem too. look in your mirrors more often and you will notice other vehicles vanishing as you look. The next thing you will wonder is why having riden so "moderatly" does your tyre wear so fast?

dyno'ed mine 158 hp at rear wheel and about 180 ft/lbs torque in first

dyno'ed mine 158 hp at rear wheel and about 180 ft/lbs torque in first

dyno'ed mine 158 hp at rear wheel and about 180 ft/lbs torque in first

whooaaa?? not real sure how that got in there three times..?? sorry guys maybe cappy can fix it