Busa gets huge compliment

The busa is definately king! I wouldn't trade it for any other bike!! LOVE THE ORG. AND TALKING TO EVERYBODY!!
" they also tell me that even at Sturgis, a busa is one of the few bikes welcome to park with the harleys, generally no one will cause a fuss."..................

That's absolutely true, as a matter of fact. I rode this last Sturgis, got the tee shirt to prove it. Parents live in Rapid, so it's an easy, quick run down to Sturgis from there. I never got so many nice salutes as I passed once they saw what was coming at them.

I also parked in the Sturgis HD parking lot, and when I came out from Christmas HD shirt shopping I found four gentlemen of a Harley-persuasion eyeballing the Busa. I walked over and started looking over their rides, only courteous thing to do, of course. We ended a twenty minute conversation with me taking pictures of all of them, and their gals in front of the Strugis HD sign. "They trusted me with all their digital cameras

Fired it up, gave them a wave and a nod, and headed out for some backroad riding.....where I passed at least 100 HD riders and their companions. All but "one" rider passed with a salute which I do naturally out of respect. I don't care what you ride, I enjoy the lifestyle, but why ride anything else but a BUSA

Funny part of the story is when I was headed back to Rapid, and I was late for dinner. Funny how we haul@$$ when our Mom's cooking. I came up on a semi passing an old gal in an import in the #1, so we know what's next.....yep I pitched into the #2 around the semi ahead of the ol' gal, and he came over on me and put me on the shoulder. I dropped two, opened up, and gave him a wave as I re-entered the #2 headed back for the #1. I would have LOVED to have seen the little ol' gal's face...........

Was a good day, and dinner was well worth the effort getting home. Rider's are pretty much the same...we're loyal to what we ride. Thank God himself that we ride the best piece of machinery out there, bar-none.

Just thoughts, GB,

Las Vegas
05' r/b



Harley riders look at the Hayabusa differently.Maybe it's because of owner loyalty,just like with them.My brother can't understand why I have a fund started for my 09 Busa.I'll ride Busas until I can't throw my leg over the saddle anymore.I don't need a different bike,when I have the best.
(squirrel59 @ Jan. 14 2007,00:23)

Harley riders look at the Hayabusa differently.Maybe it's because of owner loyalty,just like with them.My brother can't understand why I have a fund started for my 09 Busa.I'll ride Busas until I can't throw my leg over the saddle anymore.I don't need a different bike,when I have the best.
Now thats a great looking bike!
without changing anything...for streight 9 years... how can someone put a question marks on there?
Great story...and the news of Sturgis is surprising to me...Mike made the run there a few years back on his 1200 Sportster (if you can believe that!) and I keep saying I'd like to go just for the ride there and back (you can have all the chaos in between), but I don't want to deal with ignorant Harley riders that feel the need to just mouth off about your ride because it's not a Harley...

I've been lucky; most Harley riders I've met up with or run in to along the way have been really cool...I find it funny that they will crowd around the Busa and talk about it when you're not around, but while you're there, they won't come anywhere near it LOL
Early in my Busa addiction, I was at a Suzuki dealership in Tucson. (2000)
I was drooling over this black and silver busa on the show room floor when in walks this hard core harley dude with beard down to here and hair down to here (pointing to my chest).
He says " Man, you're looking at the baddest motherF##kin bike in the world." My wife (who I'd begged to come with to check out the bike) and I were sorta thrown back, not by the comment so much as who it was coming from. He goes on to tell us that he bought the copper and silver busa last year and loves it. Apparently, he was a thirty year Harley veteran. He says he goes to his local pub on the busa and parks along side 20-30 Harleys. Anyone gives him a hard time he answers "let's race motherf##ker" and "that always shuts them up". Then he runs out to come back with a full photo album of him riding his bike, sitting on his bike, and pulling a wheelie.
That left an impression. Finally, I know what he was talking about...
(GSXcite @ Jan. 14 2007,17:41)
(squirrel59 @ Jan. 14 2007,00:23)

Harley riders look at the Hayabusa differently.Maybe it's because of owner loyalty,just like with them.My brother can't understand why I have a fund started for my 09 Busa.I'll ride Busas until I can't throw my leg over the saddle anymore.I don't need a different bike,when I have the best.
Now thats a great looking bike!
thanks I LOVE my bike
There are alot of Harleys in the Texas hill country & they always stare at the Busa.

I think they are afraid especially when they see my license plate "MPH 200"
(Professor @ Jan. 12 2007,10:25) Much more recently….. a co-worker that came to my cubicle and noticed this framed (pseudo) pencil drawing I have. (Captain is quite the artist) She asked about the kanji and what kind of bike it was and was interested in seeing a picture. She was back a couple of days later. She had told her husband about it. He said he has wanted one for a long time and would buy one in a second if she would ride on the back. I think the drawing and picture scared her enough that they will be on the Gold Wing for some time!
I'm going to tell a recent story at the end, but I couldn't help but say; what amazing talent. Please let them know.
My last night this shift I pull up to Sport's in my business car, a local shop and gas where folks meet. One of my riding buddies is fueling up his R, Solid Black and lowered 2", anyway two guys walk up and start talking about his bike, the usual "I don't know how you ride it, I'm a Harley Guy". They both start looking my way and the one guy makes the statement that one of his buddies let him ride his Hayabusa the other day. Kids version: I'll never ride one of those things again, that's a suicide machine. The other fellow hits him on the shoulder and says " man he's got one ".
I get "nice bike" all the time when I'm parked or at a gas station. From hot chicks to o',l ladies and gezzers the compliments just keep roll'n in! More so than any other bike I've owned!