Busa is totalled

Best wishes for a speedy recovery, your knees looked a little deeper than mine were but you are much younger than I was.
Two months tops, you'll be running around. Funny thing after reading your thread, today is two years to the day of my accident! The bad news I am still in Cort waiting on the settlement.
Boy that 2008 looks sure looks good.
I Luvanicebum, proclaim, you should buy some sexy leather riding pants.
After you sue the pants of the guy that hit you, it should be no problem.
"I keep having these shooting pains in my knee...this feels expensive"...
Sorry about the bike but glad you were not hurt worse than you are. Was your busa insured? Did the rest of the riders with you hear the comments the guy that pulled in front of you said?
I have to admit you had a great smile through out the entire process!

Glad to hear you made it your jacket looks like it did it s job well!
Glad you are ok and in good spirits. That pisses me off after reading what you said that idiot said. Hope your attorney can get him good. The jerk needs to get some jail time. Might as well call that attempted murder, the jerk.
I think it's actually Assault with a deadly weapon...a felony in all states.
If you can prove he did it intentionally.
Get statements from fellow riders. Subpena the dudes girlfriend too. See if she gives his a$$ up.
You're kinda cute. Get some leather pants, though, sugar!

glad to hear that YOU will be ok...you can always get another bike. Get a good lawyer, and +1 on some leather pants
GREAT smile throughout, and pink is definitely your color!!

Jeans, as I'm sure you have thought many times since, are not for riding. There are many choices that are actually more comfortable, as well as saving your hide and bone structure in cases like this. Leather first choice, perforated leather if warm, ballistic nylon, or mesh with free flow of air through them but still impact and abrabrasion resistant.

Sue the PISS out of that snail scrotum, what kind of a lowlife bastard deliberately hurts someone like that- he deserves anything that happens to him. Get the BEST, lowlife money-hungry shark of a lawyer you can find and just ruin that clown's life.

Then buy a new 08 and ALL the best gear money can buy!!

Wow!!! I cannot believe he said that. I would definately make him eat those words,,,,,,,,,with his wallet. Did any witnesses hear him make that statement? I think he could get charged with attempted murder. I am pist!
Thanks God you made it through and had your gear on (aside from the jeans) Get well soon and keep us updated.
sorry to hear about your accident...the other driver deserves to spend some time in a jail cell with a large biker who "somehow" learns what he just did!! i hope you heal quickly and are able to return to riding soon
Heal up quick!! Glad you are OK overall though!! WOW your legs look good to me for modeling! You look like the happiest person to be going through all of that! Smiling in all of the pics! Hope all is OK!
he stopped about 10-15 feet in front of me, I knew I would not be able to stop in time, so I checked to see if there was any oncomming traffic (it was just a two lane road)  no cars comming so I figured I had better odds with the asphalt than the truck or bike.  So I threw myself as far to the left as I could and aimed for the ditch.

When he realized I was going to hit him he started to move.  So my bike hit and took off his tailgate.  Flipped in the air landed on one side, then bounced to the other and slid.  

A close friend of mine just got out of the trauma ward because a van pulled out in front of him and he had no time to get out of the way or bail.  Another friend got killed by taking a corner to wide and got hit by a car in the other lane.  Another friend gave me a piece of advise a long time ago and said if I ever fall off the bike dont fight it, just roll with it.  

All this went through my head in a matter of seconds.   If I would have stayed on the bike it would have either landed on me or I would have gotten killed by the tail gate.    

So I looked for traffic and then bailed just before hitting and threw myself as far away from the truck and bike as I possible could, like I said, aiming for the grassy ditch on the other side of the road.

The bike acutally caught fire.  There was only two people behind me and one of the two heard what he said in addition to myself.  The sad thing is that he was driving a 1989 truck and has no bodily injury coverage.

It would be a matter or he said she said and hard to prove that he did it intentionally beyond a reasonable doubt.  Dont know if there is much I can do, have another appointment with the lawyer on monday.

After all that, I had a dear friend getting married in Boca Raton the next day.  So after totalling the motorcycle, spending hours in the ER, some xrays, stitches and a sleepless night.  I rode over to Boca and made it to the wedding just in time and got to dance with the groom...  

The close friend who was in the trauma ward is part of this big group of close friends we have.  Because of his accident he was going to miss the wedding and the groom is one of his best friends.  So there was no way I was not going to show and have him hear and worry about me from someone else.  He needed to see that I was ok for himself and pay up on the dance he promised.... LOL

He had to hold me up so I did not have to use my crutches and I could not move my feet but still a dance none the less.


I am very lucky and even luckier to have been with some great friends that kept me smiling even though I wanted to get up and kill that SOB!

My gear held up and did its job for sure.  Lesson was definately learned.  I have already bought a pair of leather riding pants and re-inforced riding jeans.   I am sure there could have been other things that I could have done.  I have been riding for over two years now and listen to others stories and mistakes as well as try to learn from my own.  This was my first time down and I am happy with the way it turned out, the choices I made in how to react considering the circumstances and limited time to think...  

Many lessons learned with this experience I am just happy that I came home to my daughter in one piece alive and talking.   (Well, I was missing a chunk of skin here and there and I was walking funny) but still in one piece.    

Thank you all for your kind words and support.  I have talked to a few of you outside this forum and wanted to share my story.

Besides, I know everyone likes to see pictures...  

