busa oil

I have the bike on a pitbull, so it's level...........i added some more and i can see the oil now........i wonder why the manuel is wrong?
to read the oil level correctly you need to be on the ground and be on level ground and bike straight up
With a filter change mine takes almost 4 qts. If your on a rear stand you will get a low reading. Check on the ground and level from side to side and front to back.

Last year Sportrider magazine did a 2 part article on motor oil comparing the top brands and the results are very interesting. See if you can find the articles on line or buy the back issues. It will put your questions to rest with FACTS.

I was not able to find the article ksheldon. Can you give us a link? Can you give us more info? What were the top 10 oils? Thanks.
I have found Mobil 1 15/50 here but it does not have a red cap. What is the difference? When should one start using synthetic oil? 2000 miles? 5000 miles?
I was almost sold on Mobil 1 15/50. The only thing I'm concerned about now after much research is visocity shear. This is a direct quote from Mobil;
"Mobil 1 15W-50, on the other hand, will exhibit
some shear loss in motorcycle applications."
This seems to be a common trait among oils(including Castrol 5/50) with more than a 30 vicosity spread. Mobil is trying to push their motorbike formulas(mx4t 10/40) obviously.
My wish was to find a year round oil for here but thought 20/50 too heavy for cooler fall and winter and 10/40 too light for hot summer use. mx4t is not availbable locally and neither is Amsoil.
Now I'm considering Petro Canada 15/40 duron xl(blend) as another year round alternative. It is the highest rated, locally available oil in that weight according to the motor oil bible. Let the research continue!
Then go with the Mobil 1 10/30 here in the US it has a green cap. Same stuff just in a lower viscosity.    
I use 10w-40 AMSOIL synthetic motorcycle oil. It no friction modifiers. I also use there super duty smf-109 oil filter. Never had a problem with the clutch slipping. 20w-50 is available also. Shipped to your front door.




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I've used Motul Maxim semi-synthetic 15w50 in mine since 1,600 miles. No problems and the shifting is oh, so easy. I buy a gallon jug of it for $24.00 and put all but a little bit of it in with a new filter.

I just got an email back from Mobil 1 about red cap 15/50.
" Mobil1 15W50 motor oil contains friction modifiers and is not recommended for motorcycles. You can contact Mc Ewen's Fuel in Canada at 780-465-0152 for assistnace on available products."
Does anyone there ride a Busa with Mobil 1 15/50 in it or even own a Busa.